Democracy Has Prevailed.

January 8, 2006

More Treason from the Mainstream Media

Take a look.
A majority of Americans want the Bush administration to get court approval before eavesdropping on people inside the United States, even if those calls might involve suspected terrorists, an AP-Ipsos poll shows.

Over the past three weeks, President Bush and top aides have defended the electronic monitoring program they secretly launched shortly after Sept. 11, 2001, as a vital tool to protect the nation from al-Qaida and its affiliates.

Yet 56 percent of respondents in an AP-Ipsos poll said the government should be required to first get a court warrant to eavesdrop on the overseas calls and e-mails of U.S. citizens when those communications are believed to be tied to terrorism.
Why do all those people want to make it harder for our dear and glorious leader to fulfill his pledge to protect us from the evil doers who want to kills us?

I think they secretly want our great leader to fail. Because the 2000 election didn't go the way they planned, they're filled with so much hate that they'll do anything, say anything, to sabotage his divinely approved administration.

I think it's totally and completely correct for our glorious leader to ignore the will of the people and both the spirit and letter of the law whenever he needs to in order to protect us from the evil suiciders and terrorists.

Personally I believe it in my heart that the liberal media is to blame. If they would only publish the truth (like they do at and the Fox News Channel) every American would see that Bush is a great president, that right after Saddam Hussein planned the 9/11 attacks, he shuttled his Weapons of Mass Destruction to the Bekaa valley in Syria in order to keep them safe, that Tom Delay is a good Christian, and finally that whatever our glorious leader is accused of doing, it doesn't matter because that scumbag Clinton did much worse.

(The preceeding message was brought to you by the Right-wing blogosphere. The Right-wing blogosphere: No need to worry about facts, just remember that God is on ourside - not on the side of the treasonous atheist liberals.)


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