Democracy Has Prevailed.

January 6, 2006

Rick Santorum DOESN'T TRUST BUSH??

In his latest attempt to distance himself from himself, Rick Santorum did this.
Sen. Rick Santorum yesterday wrote a letter to President Bush asking him to create an independent, non-partisan commission to objectively evaluate progress in Iraq.
Whah?? You mean that Rick Santorum, #3 guy in the Senate, doesn't trust Our Glorious Leader to be speaking the truth when talking about Iraq?
Mr. Santorum told the president that he was joining other members of Congress in their call for a panel that could "objectively and critically report" progress in Iraq to build Americans' confidence and trust in the mission.
But hasn't Our Glorious and Infallible War-President already said that there's been progress in Iraq? Isn't that enough for the little ingrate? What, is he some sort of Bush-hating anti-American hypocrite?
Though the Senate passed legislation in November requiring more frequent and detailed reports on Iraq's reconstruction and military efforts, Mr. Santorum indicated yesterday that he did not think those reports, which will come from the administration, would provide what he views as the need for "an objective assessment."

"I believe that the American people have not received an accurate picture of America's successes and challenges in helping Iraq establish their democracy," Mr. Santorum wrote.
Santorum thinks that what the administration reports won't be accurate or objective. He also wants them to create an independent commission to tell us all what he already knows to be true. What's up with that? Oh, that's right:
The letter is a significant shift by the Pennsylvania Republican, whose stalwart support for nearly all aspects of the Bush administration's policies in Iraq could be a significant handicap in his race against state Treasurer Robert P. Casey this year if Pennsylvanians' support for the war continues to decline.
Now I understand.


1 comment:

Laurie Mann said...

So much for Rick "standing by his man..."