Democracy Has Prevailed.

April 7, 2006


There will be a televised debate between Chuck Pennacchio, Alan Sandals and Bob Casey Jr. tomorrow evening at Slippery Rock University.

The debate begins at 7:00 p.m., Sat., April 8, and will be held in the McKay Education Building Auditorium on the Slippery Rock Campus (corner of School Drive and E. Maltby Ave.).

A second debate among the three candidates vying for the Dem nomination to take on Rick Santorum in the U.S. Senate race is slated to take place Wed., April 19, at Franklin and Marshal Univ. beginning at 7 p.m.

Though Sanals and Pennacchio have requested it, and the League of Women Voters has extended its invitation to hold debates anywhere and any time, Bob Casey is too frightened of the media market with the largest number of PA Democrats to debate in the Philadelphia area.

The debates will be carried on PCN, which reaches customers via cable, satellite and webcast. Here's a link to info about viewing the debate in your area:

PCN will be live-streaming the debate for those without other access at The broadcast of the first debate will be carried live at 7:00 pm on Saturday, and will be repeated at 10:30 pm the same evening, 3:00 pm Sunday and 2:15 pm Monday.

Many Pennacchio supporters will be traveling from Pittsburgh to attend the debate (including me). If you need a ride from Pgh, email me at and I'll try to hook you up with a ride.


Monday Pennacchio Visibility Event

Monday is the Pirates first home game of the season and the people at Chuckquarters have printed up some neat baseball cards with Chuck on them!

Chuck supporters will be at the stadium Monday between noon and 1:00 p.m. handing them out and can use your help.

Let them know whether you can make it or not by contacting Henry at .

They will meet at the Clemente statue at noon.

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