April 6, 2006

Forensic Vagina Specialist

The Sunday New York Times Magazine will feature a cover story ("Pro Life Nation") on El Salvador which has had a constitutional amendment since 1998 criminalizing ALL abortions and a constitutional amendment since 1999 protecting all fetuses from the moment of conception.

A preview from Alternet:
What you find is a nation in a near-Handmaid's Tale dystopia where a mother of three is imprisoned for 30 years, where a woman must wait until her ectopic pregnancy bursts in her fallopian tubes to get surgery, where the mother of a pregnant woman can be prosecuted for giving aid and comfort to her daughter before, during or after an illegal abortion.

The title of this post? The folks who check vaginas for evidence of an abortion procedure. It's real.

AlterNet has an audio file of Air America's Rachel Maddow interviewing Jack Hitt on his cover story HERE.

PLEASE go there and listen to OUR FUTURE if the Rethuglicans get their way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"They better put our uteruses in a lockbox and keep their hands off them!"