I'm sorry but I've been thinking about it and I have to say that I take great offense to
The Other Political Junkie's post on Bush's approval rate having dipped into the twenties.
I believe he entirely failed to capture the spirit of this event.
Therefore, I present to you the only true way that any patriot should respond to this news:

(Hat Tip to Stacy for the gifs.)
"gonna boogie oogie oogie til i just can't boogie no more..."
: )
The cats are disturbing.
Whaaa?? I love me some dancing kitties!
yeah, so what if his approval ratings are nearly rock bottom...he's still the president for the next two and a half years. and however unpopular bush might be, he can still do a lot of damage here and around the world.
georgie boy's proved again and again, he'll do whatever he pleases, regardless of public opinion. so, please, i hope you and your dancing kitties love the joke that's delivering a deadly punchline to american military personnel in iraq and afganistan, along with all the dead iraqis who don't care who's in charge in their screwed up, ripped apart nation.
so keep on dancin' ... while others die.
The only way to actually get Bush to be held accountable for his many transgressions and to stop him from pissing on the Constitution is to get control of the House. Bad #'s for Bush do not bode well for Republicans in general which could lead to a Dem majority which will hopefully give Dems some backbone which leads to supena powers which leads to real investigations which leads to crap we probably can't even imagine that he's done which leads to -- if there's any justice left -- impeachment.
But you already knew that, didn't you?
So I say reason enough to dance.
while you were dancing...you forgot to notice that impeachment procedings take forever. by time the matter was finished (assuming GWB got booted) his term would be over. on the other hand, kick his ass out of office with some time left on the clock, guess who gets to be president? bush hasn't pissed on the constitution to keep cheney from moving into the oval office, which means he'd be the incumbent next election. be careful of what you wish for.
also, putting the dems in office won't give them backbone...the have to develop a strong spine to get there in the first place.
so keep on practicing your steps...after all you'll never have to worry about that roadside explosive device being under your feet.
sorry about a couple typos in my last post. those iron city's in the aluminum bottles taste good late at night but don't do much for my typing skills.
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