June 23, 2006

Rick Santorum on KDKA today

I heard this on KDKA today.

Rick Santorum was on Fred Honsberger's radio program this afternoon . He was on (I guess) to try to stop the bleeding from his recent ridiculous remarks about Iraq's WMD.

I didn't hear the interview, but I did hear a snippet KDKA played on the news. When asked by Fred Honsberger about the hundreds of munitions that were found and whether they were too old to be used, Rick answered something about how Saddam has been out of power for a couple of years and so of course they're going to be "older."

That's his explanation?

Earlier in the afternoon, I saw that there was a sound file of the interview on the KDKA website.

Wouldn't you know that by 6pm IT WAS GONE.

Gee, I wonder why.

I'll try to find a transcript and/or a sound file.

Yes, our junior Senator is officially a loon.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

i don't think there is any way he can spin what he said about the WMDs to his advantage. i've been trying to come up with something, just to see if i can 2nd guess his handlers, but nope, i can't and i have a pretty good imagination.

Anonymous said...

Since you and Maria ignored a comment from another post which is related to the subject, I will paste it here and await your response, if you have a valid one, or will you delete this?

Maria, you are so stupid. Yes, -some- of the WMDs lost their potency, however many did not. For example if you had any clue whatsoever, you would know that sarin gas can be treated to have a long shelf life, especially when placed in aluminum vessels.

Straight from Wikipedia:

"According to the CIA, nations such as Iraq have tried to overcome the problem of sarin's short shelf life in two ways:

* The shelf life of unitary (i.e., pure) sarin may be lengthened by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediate chemicals and refining the production process.

* Incorporating a stabilizer chemical called tributylamine. Later this was replaced by diisopropylcarbodiimide (di-c-di), which allowed for GB nerve agent to be stored in aluminum casings.

* Developing binary chemical weapons, where the two precursor chemicals are stored separately in the same shell, and mixed to form the agent immediately before or when the shell is in flight. This approach has the dual benefit of making the issue of shelf life irrelevant and greatly increasing the safety of sarin munitions"

Ahem...Did you read that last sentence? Allow me to remind you once again, just in case you missed it:

"This approach has the dual benefit of making the issue of shelf life irrelevant..."

If anything, we now know a lot more about Saddam Hussein's gruesome regime and what he was up to -- just another good, solid reason for taking him out. But of course, you'll disagree with that even after the evidence is clear and presented to you.

One has to wonder, considering you liberals like yourself relish in reminding the populace that the WMDs which were found date back to the early 1990s. If that's the case, where in the hell was Bill Clinton then? Certainly those same early 1990 WMDs didn't lose their potency during the Clinton Administration, but wait....he was too busy worrying about Monica doing the head-bob on his noggin. Any questions?

What about former Iraqi General Georges Sada who worked under Hussein himself, who said he saw many WMDs on their way to Syria.

Found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Sada

No comments? Of course not. I do not want to hear your "Where were the WMDs" argument from this point forward. If you insist on presenting that same argument, then you're both even bigger fools then I originally thought.

David said...

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Our troll has returned.

Oh joy.

He seems to be functioning (if that word can be used to describe him) under the pretense that just because he's posted an idiotic rightwing rant, it demands a respnse here.

While pointing out that his comment on one posting has been ignored (and rightly so), he's obviously chosen to ignore this posting:


He is nothing if not predictable.

I know I don't have to, but allow me to point out some of the more obvious points of illogic in his posting. The comments on the short shelf life of sarin are completely beside the point as it turns out that Bush's own weapon's inspector David Kay pointed out (and our troll would have known this had he bothered to read the article posted here) that "experts on Iraq's chemical weapons are in "almost 100 percent agreement" that sarin nerve agent produced from the 1980s would no longer be dangerous."
Kay was also quoted as saying:
"It is less toxic than most things that Americans have under their kitchen sink at this point."

But none of that matters to our troll. He looked up "sarin" on the wikipedia and that settles that.

And then there's Georges Sada. Our troll says (and I quote) that Sada "says he saw many WMD's on their way to Syria."

Uh, no. Guess again. Since our troll used the Wikipedia, he'll have to accept the validity of it here. The Wikipedia says that Sada, on a visit to Hannity and Colmes, "discussed his book and reported that other pilots told him that Hussein had ordered them to fly portions of the WMD stockpiles to Damascus" before the 2003 war.

In legal circles, that's what's known as hearsay. It also contradicts what our troll said.

Another lie from the troll.

The Wikipedia also says that Sada retired from the Iraqi Air Force in 1986 but was called back for duty in the 1990 gulf war. It adds that Sada was discharged and imprisoned by Saddam Hussein in 1991 - and had no official contact with Hussein's regime after that.

So let's see. Sada didn't actually SEE the WMD being moved to Syria (he was just TOLD about it) and the regime in question stripped him of his rank and imprisoned him. He then worked for the US-installed interim Iraqi leader Iyad Allawi.

So in our troll's version of reality none of that actually matters, he's STILL a useful and objective source of information about Hussein's Iraq.

Of course he is.

Ladies and Gentlemen - I give you our troll. Unbalanced, vile, and given to fits of fantasy that only make sense in on the outer fringes of winguttia.

Enjoy your Weekend.

Maria said...

Let's not forget to add that while it says it can be treated, NO ONE IS CLAIMING THAT THESE WERE TREATED.

(IF I had a winning lottery ticket I'd be rich, but I don't so I'm not.)

Maria said...

Gee, I guess I should have spent a couple of minutes looking this up before I spouted off -- if I had, I would KNOWN my guess was right (and never forget the first rule when dealing with wingnuts: go back to the material they quote to see what they left out):

The weapons found have been identified as being from the period of the Iran/Iraq War. If you check the source materials quoted in the Wikipedia article you refer to you'll see that the CIA has said the following about munitions from that period:


So rather than deal with what was actually found, you're setting up either a hypothetical or false situation.

And, the Iran/Iraq war was during Poppy Bush's presidency -- but why bother with little things like facts, eh Braden?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ignore the facts you two biased bastards:

(1) clinton let it ALL go
(2) the WMDs were found, and the liberal left now justifys that they were the "wrong" WMDs
(3) since when are WMDs classified as the "right" ones?
(4) then you two bastards wonder why you continue to lose elections when your political party is concerned.


djhlights said...


Regarding the munitions found, here is what the Washington Post reported earlier this week.

The lawmakers pointed to an unclassified summary from a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center regarding 500 chemical munitions shells that had been buried near the Iranian border, and then long forgotten, by Iraqi troops during their eight-year war with Iran, which ended in 1988.

The U.S. military announced in 2004 in Iraq that several crates of the old shells had been uncovered and that they contained a blister agent that was no longer active. Neither the military nor the White House nor the CIA considered the shells to be evidence of what was alleged by the Bush administration to be a current Iraqi program to make chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.

Last night, intelligence officials reaffirmed that the shells were old and were not the suspected weapons of mass destruction sought in Iraq after the 2003 invasion.

Those WMD's would be these mentioned by our fearless leader,

"Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent" and "upwards of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents... " Jan. 28, 2003 in the State of the Union Address

"Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons." Oct. 5, 2002 radio address

"Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons." Sep. 12, 2002 Speech to UN General Assembly

Those are the ones we went to war over. Where are those WMDs and the facilities they were expanding and improving to make more WMDs?

You mention former a former Iraqi General; well I have one as well. This one was used to be the Iraqi Weapons Chief, was Saddam's son in law, defected to the US, and provided us with intelligence. His name is Lt. Gen. Hussein Kamel.

UNSCOM reported that its entire eight years of disarmament work "must be divided into two parts, separated by the events following the departure from Iraq, in August 1995, of Lt. Gen. Hussein Kamel."

Bush specifically mentioned him October 7, 2002, Colin Powell mentioned him in his presentation to the UN on 2/5/2003, and Dick Cheney said Kamel's story "should serve as a reminder to all that we often learned more as the result of defections than we learned from the inspection regime itself."

Read for yourself what Kamel said to UNSCOM. Page 13 is great place to start.

There you'll see he said, "All Chemical weapons were destroyed. I ordered destruction of all chemical weapons. All weapons - biological, chemical, missile, nuclear were destroyed."

You general says their in Syria, mine was used by the President, Vice President, and Secretary of State that you support and said that Iraq had destroyed its entire stockpile of chemical and biological weapons and banned missiles, as Iraq claimed before the war.

No comments? Of course not.

Anonymous said...

Again, we have the liberals classifying WMDs. Since when do WMDs get classified into categories? You idiots. I'd like to see any one of you handle those so called old WMDs. Uh huh....

This is why our military handle them wearing protective chemical suits and gasmasks, right?

You people are sick, you're classifying WMDs into some category in order to justify our reason(s) for going to Iraq, which in your case are the wrong reasons. WMDs are found and you bitch. Go figure.

To think, the liberal left classifying as to what WMDs are the proper ones. I knew it would happen.

Ladies and Gentlemen that, David. You bumbling buffoon.

David said...

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Our troll doesn't yet understand the nature of a reasoned rational discussion.

But then, who would ever characterise him as either reasonable or rational?

Take for example the above exchange. When faced with the unveiling of his own obvious dishonesty, he unleashes a personal attack.

He calls Maria and I "biased bastards" and "assholes" after Maria pointed out his obvious error in a previous comment. He's wrong about the sarin (the CIA sez so) and yet he can't muster the courage to come to terms with that. So like any child, he lashes out.

Now it's the "liberal left" that's "classifying" the WMD. He must've missed the sentences right there on the screen that said it was the intelligence community that classified the WMD as useless.

But our troll doesn't seem to be interested in letting reality get in the way of his Weltanschauung.

We should just wish him well hoping that in the other aspects of his life he isn't so blinded by his own blinkered ideology.

Good luck to you, troll.

Anonymous said...

David: Face it, it does not matter what WMDs were found. It just does not matter to the left. You guys are so much in denial that nothing else matters. I told you that long ago and you did not listen. You cannot even admit that you are definitely classifying the WMDs as the "wrong" ones. You are so stuck in your liberal left ditch that you lack the common sense.

I do not need your luck, sir. You however, need all of the luck you can get.

This come November, you can all sit back and continue to wonder why your political affiliation loses election after election. Answer that one too. Oh wait! Voter fraud. That's got to be the logical answer!

Yeah, it is voter fraud. No, it cannot be the American people having enough of the nonsense spewing from the liberal left, no it cannot be. It's got to be voter fraud. I predict you will be saying the "fraud" excuse this come November.

David said...


Once he realizes he can't win an argument, he simply changes the subject.


djhlights said...


What flavor is the kool-aid?

Just wondering?