October 20, 2006

1 Political Junkie on KDKA Radio Tonight!

2 Political Junkie's own David DeAngelo will be appearing tonight on John McIntire's The Flip Side Friday Night Free For All at 9:00 PM.

You can live stream it at http://www.kdkaradio.com or tune your radio dial to 1020 AM.

You can see McIntire perform live today at Politics Is Funny: Comedy Show at 3:00 PM, IBEW, 5 Hot Metal Street, Pittsburgh PA 15203 on the fabulous South Side. (Damn! It's only a few blocks from me and I have to work! How will I ever know if Mayor Opie can be intentionally funny?)

And, you can catch McIntire anytime at http://macyapper.com


Sherry Pasquarello said...


Anonymous said...

I am listening to David on KDKA's John McIntire's show. So far, I've heard nothing intelligent coming from either John or Dave. All I have heard is childish laughter.

By the way, where's the listener call in, David? I'd love to talk to you on the air and debate you considering you're too chicken to do it via your blog or mine. Consider this an invitation. You man enough to take me on?

Oh, when I logged into KDKA radio's website, I noticed a poll...which says, and I quote:

"The senatorial debates are over. Who will you vote for?"

As of the I am writing this, the results are as follows:

Rick Santorum = 72%
Bob Casey = 25%
Undecided = 1%
Neither = 1%

Care to report on those numbers, David?

Hmmmm, all of your poll numbers you've been shooting off the last several months sure go against this poll, and KDKA is in liberal Democrat country, too.

David, could it be you and your political partners in crime are making up poll numbers in order to discourage the voters from even going to the polls?

Hmmmm....fancy that, huh David?

Anonymous said...

Part II of David's appearance on the John McIntire show via KDKA:

You think it's funny that Rick Santorum's dead baby is a funny story to talk about?

They slept with their dead baby overnight? And how do you know this?

I think you're sick to discuss one's dead child.

Is this how desperate you guys are?

Anonymous said...

Part III -

I am appalled at the talking of Rick Santorum's dead baby. And that is what you call it, a Dead baby, not a fetus.


No decency at all. David is not married (as I heard on the radio program), so he knows nothing of commitment and loving another life.

Shawn said...

All I can imagine is some guy in the Pittsburgh area sitting, nay, hunched, by his radio in his Batman Underoos w/a tinfoil hat on his head. His constant stream of muttering broken only by the occasional cackling and angry fingers-jabs in the radio's direction as he feverishly takes notes. "LIAR! Ha, ha! I KNEW it!!! Never married, NEVER MARRIED! I got it now, I got it..." [end scene]

Anonymous said...

Actually, it was sorrow for the poor, misinformed fellow.

Nice try, Shawn. Perhaps you could do better if you didn't compare me to yourself. Be more creative next time.

At least you let your true feelings be known when it came to the poor dead baby.

David said...

Ladies and gentlemen;

Allow me to apologize for our troll. He seems to be under the misaprehension that merely because he's chosen to comment here, his comments are automatically qualified to be considered interesting enough to be answered.

Sadly, that is not the case. As you all can see.

But as I am in a philosophical mood, let me clear up a few things for him anyway.

If he'd listened carefully, he would have heard that I was not calling Gabriel Santorum a fetus - I was the one who said that since he was born and then died, probably the proper term (or at least *A* proper term) would be "corpse."

The part about the Santorums sleeping with Gabriel is well documented.

It's in the New York Times:


Here's the text:

What happened after the death is a kind of snapshot of a cultural divide. Some would find it discomforting, strange, even ghoulish -- others brave and deeply spiritual. Rick and Karen Santorum would not let the morgue take the corpse of their newborn; they slept that night in the hospital with their lifeless baby between them. The next day, they took him home.

If our troll were to look at the paragraph before the one I quoted he'd see that the Times gets the story from Karen Santorum herself. It's in the book "Letters to Gabriel."

That pretty much means it's true.

Perhaps our troll should have done some homework before making a fool of himself by commenting out of ignorance. Perhaps I am asking too much.

And for the record, I DO think it's creepy to sleep with one's dead child.

It is most unfortunate (for our troll, of course) that he thinks the KDKA "poll" has some value to it. All he does is expose his obvious ignorance as to how scientific polls actually work.

These sorts of on-line polls have no real value as the population that votes are all self-selected - it's only the people who feel strongly enough about the issue who vote for them. The data is, as they say, skewed.

The real scientific polls show Santorum to be in deep trouble. The most recent Rasmussen poll, for instance, has him 13 percentage points down.

But let's assume that the troll is correct here. Why then isn't the Santorum campaign issuing press release after press release saying, "Forget the 'scientific' Rasmussen poll, we're ahead because more people voted for us at the KDKA website."??

The fact that they haven't shows that they don't believe the KDKA poll has any validity (unlike our troll - who obviously does).

And the only reason I don't "debate" our troll is that I find his postings to be utterly without any political or philosophical merit. Of course, he still has the right to write what he wants (as far as I know the 1st Amendment still applies in Bush's America - but maybe not for very much longer), but I don't have to comment about them, or even notice them.

When he has a worthwhile idea, I'll consider it. In the meantime, pay no mind to our troll. If we ignore him long enough maybe he'll go away.


Shawn said...

"Nice try, Shawn. Perhaps you could do better if you didn't compare me to yourself. Be more creative next time."

No, I wouldn't do better next time.

See, the Devil knows his own.

Seriously, w/o irony, sneer, snark, or patronizitaion, you wrapped up too tightly in all of this, the political process, for your own good. You posted three times, THREE TIMES!, without so much as a "yea" or a "nay" from others who listen to 1020 a.m. and/or read this blog. And you were angry, very angry. On the one hand, I wanna say "fair enogh", someone, you, Braden, care enoguh to respond. On the other hand, you responded, and respond twice, three time, full of anger, without ANYONE having said anything one way or another about David's (Dave's?) comments. This is more than being on a roll. This is more than caring about what's happening in your neighborhood. This is the voice of someone picking a fight. And the motiviations aren't laughable, despite my intial attempt at mockery. Oh no, I've seen this voice. You have crossed a line into a territory where the passionate become the desperate. You taunt that I saw myself in you? Yeah, I do. At least, I see myself when I was younger and didn't learn to walk away from things after a point. I see the anger, the anger, the rage, the RAGE, THE FUCKIN' RAGE MAN!!! I see it and I shake my head becuase I know that in end, win or lose, all that anger will do is eat you alive. It's good that you're aware, that you're committted, that you're ready go. But, you repeated posts on this blog, especially this past night, show someone who doesn't know when it's time to take a deep breath, let the anger pass, and walk away. Seriously. May I suggest in all seriousnees that rather than you blogging and commenting on all of this election cycle's happenings here in PA and the 'Burgh that you do something else? Keep blogging, but also, if don't already, and I assume that you do, phone bank and/or lit drop for your favorite candidate 2 or 3 nights a week? Keep blogging, but then make sure you go to the gym, if you don't already a few nights a week. Hell, play video games, bowl, sing karaoke! Just don't keep devoting your life to merely - THIS. You can still satisfy both your sense of civic virture and your sense of advocacy for conversative belief AND have fun at the same time. And this fun need not be debauched but can fall well within the range of what is considered whoelsome. You gotta decompress, y'know? Otherwise, you'll end being eaten by your frustration and bitterness - EVEN IF YOUR GUYS WIN!!! I cannot emphasize that last point enough.

Braden, the sun's gonna come up November 8th regardless. Best that you learn to weather this potential high, or low, with some equnimity. Otherwise you're blow a gasket that's gonna translate into real world, real life misery. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I listened to the show and we thought the 3 of you were quite funny.
I always enjoy reading your blog and I for one will always tune in to hear you, Maria, or the fabulous Sue Kerr on the radio.
Oh, and pay no attention to those who make mean comments about you being single - he's just jealous that you get asked to be on real radio and that people post comments on your blog.

Anon #2

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i think discussing the child is relevant and allowable. the family themselves brought it up many times AND wrote a book about the experience so, THEY not their critics OR supporters opened the matter (i would think a very private matter)up to discussion.

Anonymous said...

David, I am well aware of the documentation concerning the Santorum's dead child.

See, you start going off on your "ladies and gentlemen" rant, and attempt to make yourself look like you know what you're talking about by always pointing to a web site.

I heard what you said on the air. You and those other two birdbrains were laughing and sniveling like spoiled children...and yes, it's your right as you even then, put in a bash to Bush saying you don't know how much longer that right will exist.

See, David, even there, you put in a little jab to Bush. Funny, I didn't hear you on the air doing that. I've noticed that you're a bit laid back on the air and you don't let your true "colors" be known. Perhaps if you did, then people would see the true "you." I didn't hear any talk on the real issues. Where do you stand on illegal immigration, the "illegal war" on terror, and the 1st amendment? 1st amendment? Yep, that's right, the 1st amendment. Why? What is your position on the fairness doctrine? You just want answer me on that last one. Your only concerns are smearing this administration every single step of the way, and your last comment proved it with it's little "jab." Man, that's pathetic.

As for Shawn's comments, I am not blowing gaskets and mad, I am entertained as to the hypocrisy you guys demonstrate. Shawn, the pendulum swings both ways and one day, the Democrats will win back, whether it be in 17 days or in 17 years. Heck, I do a lot of things outside of the political arena. I don't you need you telling me what to do, and I definitely won't take any advice to heart from a liberal...thanks but no thanks. I am doing just fine. You just don't want to hear it for whatever reason it may be.

Anonymous #2, Jealous over David being on the radio? Please. First off, when he goes National, then I'll be impressed. Maybe he should work on the new liberal radio network being put together? Being on CMU's station, and being on KDKA with that dolt of a host McIntire does not impress me either. The entire show last night as nothing more than a group of liberals ranting, raving, sniveling, and making mockery of their political opponents. I heard what it was...and you heard what it was. See, to people like you, it does not matter what is said about someone. See, slander means nothing to you. You're the type of person who would say anything about anybody you didn't like, whether it be true or not. But I get the feeling you'd be the first to scream "sue!" if it ever happened to you.

David, don't justify your behavior last night. I heard what I heard. You don't have to quote websites to me.

By the way, You're still on dial up, and you call yourself a blogger? Heck I even agree with MacIntire on that one. Loosen those purse strings, dude! Dig deep! But wait for the moths to fly out first. Oh yeah, and this is the 21st century, get a cell phone.

A blogger on dial up!?? Man, that's like attempting to win the Indy500 with a lawn mower engine.

At least I know where the city-net.com hits are coming from, as I suspected long ago. Now I know.

Anonymous said...


At least people post on Maria and Dave's blog.
As to your analysis of the 'hits' on your site(s), maybe you should inflate your family or play with yourself for awhile.
No one here likes you.

Anon #2

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, perhaps your feeble little mind cannot figure it out, because you're too busy sitting around your fake campfire singing Kumbaya:

I could care less if you or anyone else on here likes me.

Do you honestly think I value anything you say? Putting it into perspective: I value my cat's droppings more than I value what you say.

The fact is, you liberals always demonstrate the "do as I say, but not as I do" mentality. No comments on Harry Reid's two recent scandals? Nothing. He gets away with it. It's almost like you and members of your party think you're so perfect and almighty. It's such entertainment to watch you.

I cannot wait to be rubbing it into your face(s) next month when the Democrats lose yet again.

Anonymous said...

Is your cat inflatable, too?

Anonymous said...

Hello, David.

I will admit that I am not one who agrees with the info on your blog (sorry)... and I would not have listened to 1020 the other night unless I felt that it was important, which I did....

So I guess my points are as follows (although, may I say up-front that I do not wish to be labeled or lumped into the same category as "democrats-lie"):
It just strikes me as odd that the issue about the Santorum's baby was even brought up at all. What has that to do with his ability in office?

The other notable thing (in my humble opinion) was that the issue discussed on the air immediately afterward was the Paul McCartney issue. Unbeknownst to me, McCartney has been called an alleged wife-abuser. At the end of that discussion, "good luck" wishes were sent to McCartney. I just thought, how ODD-- that someone who is a potential abuser is wished "good luck," and the man (Santorum) who obviously loves his family deeply--is considered "creepy" because of it. With all due respect, David, I found it very disrespectful to the Santorum family. You know what I mean?

Well, please think about what the important issues are, and whether, as a society, we would like to honor and respect those who do wrong, or those who do good. I would hope we would all desire the latter.
