December 13, 2006

Santorum News

Remember this?

Way back in February, in discussing Rick Santorum's mortgage deal (it's reportedly an "interest-only" mortgage at 5%), I wrote:
I'm not a banker, but doesn't this mean that Rick only has to pay 5% of $500,000 per year (or about $25K) for each year between 2002 and 2007? Then all he has to do is to find a way to pay back the half mil in November 2007, when he's either 10 months out of the Senate making beaucoup bucks on the Conservative speech-making circuit or still in the Senate, still on the Senate Finance Committee where refinancing the loan would be easy as pie.
Well, kids. We can all stop worrying about how Rick Santorum's gonna come up with the half mil 11 months from now. From Brett Lieberman:
A month after suffering the largest defeat by a Senate incumbent in a quarter-century, U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum ponders a future as a cable TV talking head and earning big bucks on the lecture circuit.
Largest defeat. Hahahaha! Sorry I just had to get this maniacal laugh in. A few paragraphs later Lieberman writes:
Santorum is expected to go on the lecture circuit, where he likely would earn $20,000 to $50,000 a speech, according to several estimates, addressing corporations and interest groups.
Wow. So to make a half mil, Rick, speaking at $20K a pop would have to give 25 speeches. At $50K, it's only 10.

So between 10 and 25 speeches in 11 months and Rick's palatial estate in Virginia is paid for. Even if Rick's former employer takes half in taxes, he'd only have to give between 20 and 50 speeches in those same eleven months. And even if we take the lowest numbers, all Rick has to do is to give, on average, one speech every week for the next 11 months and he pays off his mortgage.

It's good to know, doncha think?


Anonymous said...

Funny, I don't hear you complaining about how much Bill Clinton's been paid for his speeches.

Clinton received $100,000.00 for his first paid speech since leaving office.

Or how about $150,000.00 for a 30 minute speech in Southern, China.

The year 2005 along earned Clinton 7.5 million in paid speeches alone.

A previous year he earned 9.5 million in giving speeches.

Santorum's speech payments pale in comparison, wouldn't you say?

No sniveling comments on that David? Of course not.


Because when you're a Democrat, it's *just* different.

The above just proved it AGAIN.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double comments, Sheesh, Blogger sucks. It doesn't work, then it does

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny that only the trolls have trouble with double postings? And Unnumbered Anonymous and Master Lie have the problem in consecutive articles within 15 minutes of each other? Hmm..m..m. Curiouser and Curiouser.

Anonymous said...

at least in this case, Democrats-lie wasn't being a troll

Oh he was being a troll, all right. He also double-posted.

Maria said...

FYI: I removed the duplicate post.

Anonymous said...

I hope Santorum makes enough money to stay far away from our fair city forever! That would be the best gift Pittsburgh could ever receive.

As for the troll....I wonder why we don't all have these exchanges on his blog?
Could it be because he's not a nice guy who normal people want to converse with?
When you're a crazy republican it's *just* different.

Anon #2

Anonymous said...

Rob, thank you for mentioning Bob Casey.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I didn't read this post as complaining that Santorum would get paid big bucks for speeches. That's the way of the world these days. Personally, I don't get why organizations are willing to pay such exhorbitant fees to hear even a former president talk, particularly nonprofit organization that could probably do a lot of good with that money, but it's their (stupid) choice.

I think what the post was getting at is that Ricky got his cushy mortgage deal and knew it wouldn't be an issue because of options A and B that David listed. Average American families - particularly those greedy, selfish one who have both parents working for no other reason than they hate their children or something - couldn't get sweetheart deals like former Sen. Man-on-Dog.

I may be stretching, but I THINK that's the point he was making. I guess the problem is that you can read the words, DL, but you have problems discerning what they actually mean. That's a tough problem. Maybe you can find some help for that. I've heard that the local elementary school has some great reading comprehension classes.

Anonymous said...

I don't know this for a fact, Whigs, and I hate to spread unsubstatiated rumors, but I heard somewhere that Master Lie was not able to qualify to get into any of those institutions.

As I said, I don't have any documentation on this, but it would explain a lot, wouldn't it?

David said...


Yes, that was my point.


Anonymous said...

Dave, everyone who read it understood your point unless his or her perception was pathologicallly skewed.