January 31, 2007

A Game: Who Said This?

Hey, who said this?

There is no reason for the United States of America to remain in [that country]. The American people want them home, I believe the majority of Congress wants them home, and to set an artificial date of March 31 or even February 1, in my view, is not acceptable. The criteria should be to bring them home as rapidly and safely as possible, an evolution which I think could be completed in a matter of weeks.

Our continued military presence in [that country] allows another situation to arise which could then lead to the wounding, killing or capture of American fighting men and women. We should do all in our power to avoid that.

I listened carefully to the President's remarks at a news conference that he held earlier today. I heard nothing in his discussion of the issue that would persuade me that further U.S. military involvement in the area is necessary. In fact, his remarks have persuaded me more profoundly that we should leave and leave soon.

Dates certain, Mr. President, are not the criteria here. What is the criteria and what should be the criteria is our immediate, orderly withdrawal from [that country]. And if we do not do that and other Americans die, other Americans are wounded, other Americans are captured because we stay too long--longer than necessary--then I would say that the responsibilities for that lie with the Congress of the United States who did not exercise their authority under the Constitution of the United States and mandate that they be brought home quickly and safely as possible. . . .

And this?
It is past time for the Congress to come to grips with this sorry spectacle and force the administration to find a way out of the quagmire--
And this?
As a matter of fact, while we are at it, it is high time we reviewed the War Powers Act, which, in the judgment of this Senator, should never have been passed in the first place. The sole constitutional authority to declare war rests, according to our Founding Fathers, right here in the Congress of the United States, and not on Pennsylvania Avenue. I voted against the War Powers Act. If it were to come up again today, I would vote against it. I have never regretted my opposition to it.
These were all Republican Senators (McCain, Thurmond, and Helms) - they just happened to be speaking about a Democratic President. This was 1993 and the issue was Somalia.

So Republicans have no problem seeking to limit the "war powers" of a president, as long as that president is a Democrat.

Fine. Let me say it here: It's past time for the Congress to come to grips with this sorry spectacle in Iraq and force the administration to find a way out of the quagmire. The sole constitutional authority to declare war rests with the Congress. The Congress of the United States has the authority under the Constitution of the United States to mandate that the troops be brought home from Iraq as quickly and as safely as possible.

(A humongous h/t to Unclaimed Territory)


Anonymous said...

Dayvoe, you are truly a boob. This constant rant to develop a plan to get out is, in fact, being incorporated right now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Davoe; what's wrong with you, you boob!

Don't you know we're using the entrance to make an exit? Don't you know we're screwing for chastity? Don't you know that your chains shall make you free?

What a putz you are, Davoe. I don't know why I bother talking to you.

David said...

Hey Schmuck--

You're not the first to call me a putz.


Anonymous said...

It's quite clear that David knows nothing of the Constitutional Authority the President of the United States of America has.

In fact, if we all use David's mentality, George W. Bush has NO authority to do anything...if we follow David's mentality.

See, this just all stems back from David's (and those like him) intense hatred of George W. Bush because to this day, they still believe George W. Bush "stole" the 2000 election. And the 2004 Presidential election? Well, that was the straw which broke the camel's back.

Liberals like David are a group of people who claim to be associated with words like "peace activists," and yet this same group of people deface the Capital building. In fact, there are many who say those peace activists/protesters who defaced the Capital Building were simply exercising their First Amendment Rights.

Well again, I'll make anyone who agrees with the above a deal: Post your address in this comment section and I'll see to it someone comes to your house and "practices their First Amendment rights."

David and his liberal friends just cannot help themselves. They hate Bush so bad, they're all willing to undermine the war on terror anyway they possibly can. And what's more, the liberal left cannot face the reality of Hannity, Rush, Savage, Boortz, Quinn and Rose, and many others. The left cannot compete with conservative talk radio, and it shows with the moonbat Maurice Hinchey leading the Fairness Doctrine reinstatement.

Liberals can only compete one way. And that way is censorship of those who oppose them.

Once again, if the liberal left of today existed back during WWII times, we'd all be speaking in German right now.

National security? The war on terror? The hell with that. We hate Bush.

Don't agree? Prove me wrong then.

I can just see the insults coming from people like Shitrock. Instead of an intelligent, constructive response, perhaps he can come back with references to "animal sex" again.

Coming from him, it wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Anonymous said...

The REAL Democrats-Lie (that would be me!) knows that the Global War on Terror is a figment of the fevered imaginations of Dick Cheney and the impostor who now calls himself Democrats-Lie.

The Global War on Terror is an excuse for Cheney to feed more of your money into Halliburton. The REAL Democrats-Lie (that would be me!) knows that, and so does Dick Cheney, but not that deluded fool who calls himself Democrats-Lie.

I'm so glad I discovered Truth and Light.

Anonymous said...

Once again, if the liberal left of today existed back during WWII times, we'd all be speaking in German right now.

Not me. I tried learning German in high school and just couldn't get it. Maybe it's because I didn't study enough. Too busy blowing dead donkeys.

Anonymous said...

"Once again, if the liberal left of today existed back during WWII times, we'd all be speaking in German right now."

Yeah, right. The Repugnicans hated Roosevelt with such a fury that they would have been more than glad to see Hitler take over half the world without doing anything about it. For those traitors, it was Roosevelt's war.