January 15, 2007

News Flash: Bush is Misleading - Again

This article is making its way through the ether. The McClatchy papers are what's left (after some buying and selling) of the Knight-Ritter chain. The Knight-Ridder chain, if I recall correctly, did some amazing work in the lead-up to dubya's war.

Here's how they begin the article:
President Bush and his aides, explaining their reasons for sending more American troops to Iraq, are offering an incomplete, oversimplified and possibly untrue version of events there that raises new questions about the accuracy of the administration's statements about Iraq.
It's good to finally see it in print, isn't it?

The article then goes on to quote (and then deconstruct) dubya's speech of this past week.
But the president's account understates by at least 15 months when Shiite death squads began targeting Sunni politicians and clerics. It also ignores the role that Iranian-backed Shiite groups had in death squad activities prior to the Samarra bombing.

Blaming the start of sectarian violence in Iraq on the Golden Dome bombing risks policy errors because it underestimates the depth of sectarian hatred in Iraq and overlooks the conflict's root causes. The Bush account also fails to acknowledge that Iranian-backed Iraqi Shiite groups stoked the conflict.
Same with Secretary of State Rice:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recited Bush's history of events on Thursday in fending off angry questioning from Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., about why Rice had offered optimistic testimony about Iraq during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing in October 2005.

"The president has talked repeatedly now about the changed circumstances that we faced after the Samarra bombing of February `06, because that bombing did in fact change the character of the conflict in Iraq," Rice said. "Before that, we were fighting al-Qaida; before that, we were fighting some insurgents, some Saddamists."

She cited the version again in an appearance later that day before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "This is a direct result of al-Qaida activity," she said, asking House members not to consider Iraq's sectarian violence as evidence that Iraqis cannot live together.
The article goes on to point out how the sectarian violence in Iraq began well BEFORE the Samarra bombing. For instance:
The concerns about Shiite militias grew after the Jan. 30, 2005, elections that brought the Shiite-led government of then-Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari to power. Journalists in Iraq, the CIA station, the U.S. Embassy and the U.S. military all reported throughout 2005 that evidence was mounting that Jaafari's government was incorporating Shiite militias and death squads into the Iraqi army and police.
By the summer, the tortured bodies of kidnapped Sunni clerics had begun turning up regularly on Baghdad's streets, and on Aug. 10, 2005, Knight Ridder correspondent Tom Lasseter wrote:

"A militant Shiite Muslim group with close ties to Iran has gained enormous power since Iraq's January elections and now is accused of conducting a terror campaign against Iraq's Sunni Muslim minority that includes kidnappings, threats and murders."

Lasseter identified the group as the Badr Organization and reported that Iraq's interior minister was associated with it.
And so on.
Beginning in 2002, the administration's case for a pre-emptive war in Iraq was plagued by similar oversights, oversimplifications, misjudgments and misinformation. Unlike the administration's claims about the Samarra bombing, however, much of that information was peddled by Iraqi exiles and defectors and accepted by some eager officials and journalists.

The best known of those pre-war claims was that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and had reconstituted his nuclear weapons program - Bush's primary stated reason for invading Iraq.

Administration officials and their allies also claimed that Saddam had trained terrorists to hijack airplanes; that a Saddam emissary had met with lead Sept. 11 hijacker Mohammed Atta in Prague; that Iraq had purchased aluminum tubes that could be used only to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons; that Iraq had attempted to buy uranium from the African country of Niger; that Iraqis would greet American troops as liberators; and that Iraqi oil revenues would cover most of the cost of the war.

The administration has continued to offer inaccurate information to Congress, the American people and sometimes to itself. The Iraq Study Group, in its December report, concluded, for example, that the U.S. military was systematically under-reporting the violence in Iraq in an effort to disguise policy failings. The group recommended that the military change its reporting system. [emphasis added]
And that would be a pretty good descritopn of all the things this administration said were true that turned out not to be true. It's an entry-level element of logic that if someone presents a statement as true when not knowing the "truth value" of that statement, that person is lying.

As I said, it's good to see it in print.


Richmond K. Turner said...

Forgive the off-topic comment, Dave, but I couldn't think of any other way to ask. You have been doing all of the posting here for a while. How is Maria doing? Is she OK?

Anonymous said...

David: Do you or do you not want the United States to win the war on terror?

Answer that. It shouldn't be hard. It's a yes or no question.

I await your simple response. Again, I remind you it's a simple "yes" or "no" question. No long winded responses which have absolutely nothing to do with answering a simple "yes" or "no" question, please.

corporatemedia said...

David: Do you or do you not want Batman to win the war on terror?

Answer that. It shouldn't be hard. It's a yes or no question.

I await your simple response. Again, I remind you it's a simple "yes" or "no" question. No long winded responses which have absolutely nothing to do with answering a simple "yes" or "no" question, please.

Anonymous said...


And I demand to know whether you want Buffy to finally slay the vampires.

Answer that. It shouldn't be hard. It's a yes or no question.

I await your simple response. Again, I remind you it's a simple "yes" or "no" question. No long winded responses which have absolutely nothing to do with answering a simple "yes" or "no" question, please.

Anonymous said...

The last two responses are a perfect indication. It cannot be admitted that you guys either way. Why? Because if you do admit you want the United States to win, then you're not one of "them." If you do admit that you want the United States to lose, then you're not "patriotic."

Either way, you haven't the guts to answer.

So I'll say again:

Do you or do you not want the United States to win the war on terror?

Yes or no.

And again, I bet you cannot answer.

Anonymous said...

Anon, did you ever stop blowing dead donkeys? You shouldn't have any problem answering that. It's a simple yes or no answer.

So how about it? We demand an answer. Did you quit your disgusting habit of blowing dead donkeys? Yes or No.

No long-winded answers, just Yes or No.

Anonymous said...

To Schmuck;


I, too, am waiting to hear if our anonymous friend has ever stopped blowing dead donkeys.

And, as you said, it IS a simple "yes" or "no" question.

After that, I'd like to know if it's true that he stopped beating up nuns after 9/11. That's another simple "yes" or "no" question.

Are there any other simple questions like that for the troll to answer?

Shawn said...

You know people, every time you mock "anon" and his simple question (a simple question for simple people), little baby Jesus cries.

Are you for making the little baby Jesus crying? Yes or no?


Anonymous said...

You all are so mean, I bet you kick puppies, too.

Do you kick puppies, yes or no?

Anonymous said...

Nah, we don't kick puppies. WE SKIN 'EM ALIVE. BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA. We just love that pathetic whiny sound they make when we rip off that first strip of flesh.

Anybody hungry? I've got an extra eyeball here. BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA.

Anonymous said...

Liberal child-rearing lesson #1:

Mommy, why is it raining?

Well, Sweetie, when it rains it's because God is crying.

Awww, Mommy, that's sad. Why is God crying.

I'm don't know exactly, Honey; but we can be pretty sure it's because of something YOU did.

Anonymous said...


Still waiting for your response. Yes, or no to whether or not you want to see us win the war on terror.

Shitrock, Shawn, and Anon#2:

Your answers are not only disgusting, they are merely a reflection of your inability to face a situation which you cannot answer.

You cannot answer the question directly. Instead, you resort to personal attacks which is a clear indication of where you stand.

I rest my case. I am dumbfounded at what you people wrote. We cannot have an intellectual disagreement. Instead, people like Shitrock go off on me making a vulgar reference to "blowing donkeys." Can somebody say "immature?"

Where is the true intelligence with an response like his?

I rest my case. You are too yellow-bellied to answer. And you know it. Why? Because of what you just said.

One more time for the feeble-minded:

Do you, or do you not want the United States of America to win the war on terror?

Yes, or no.

Anonymous said...

In 2004 your Commander in Chief said of the "War on Terror":

"I don't think we can win it."

Apparently, you don't agree.

Are you saying that the greatest president of the 21st centruty is WRONG???

Answer that. It shouldn't be hard. It's a yes or no questions.

I await your simple-minded response. Again, I remind you it's a simple "yes" or "no" questions. No long winded responses which have absolutely nothing to do with answering a simple "yes" or "no" question, please.

Anonymous said...

Anon, have you or have you not given up your practice of performing fellatio on mules which are deceased? I don't think any of us care to have a conversation with anyone who still practices such a perverted habit.

Answer our question with a straight Yes or No, one word answer. Then we will answer yours.

Richmond K. Turner said...

I'm willing to give you a very simple yes or no answer. I won't imply anything at all about any sex acts involve our four-legged friends. But you will have to meet me halfway and narrow your question down a bit.

What exactly, at least in your understanding of the terms, would our "victory" in this war on terror look like? I'm not trying to evade answering your question, but I really do need to know what the world would have look like in order for us to declare victory in this war.

There are all kinds of really extreme ways that we could "win". For example, we could say we "won" if we killed so many muslims that the remaining ones either went underground to save themselves or publicly renounced their faith. That would be a "victory" (at least of sorts), but it's not one that I would want to see us achieve. I'd like to see the islamic faith renounce terrorism, but not if it took 200 million deaths for them to get to that point.

Or perhaps we could say that we "won" if we eliminated any chance of terrorist attack on our soil. That would be a worthy goal, but the key question is how we would go about achieving it. If this "victory" involved rounding up all muslim men between the ages of 12 and 40 and putting them in concentration camps, then my support for this sort of "victory" would be rather cold indeed.

So if you can provide the terms which define a "victory", then I would be happy to provide you with the "yes" or "no" that you seek.

Anonymous said...

This simply goes to show me that neither of you can answer my question.

You simply resort to the vulgar responses as demonstrated by Shitrock's simpleminded, childish, not to mention vulgar comments,


You simply refuse to answer my inquisition by "answering" with a question of your own.

I can see that none of you have the balls to answer my question. It's clear where you imbeciles stand.

But don't anyone ever question your patriotism, right?

That's what I thought.

Maria said...


Yeah, David has been doing all the work around here.

Thanks for asking how I'm doing.

I am healing, but it's going to take a long time.

It's difficult for me to sit at a PC for very long, hence the lack of blogging.

Also, they have changed my course of treatment which I can see is making the wound heal, but also gives me more pain, again, hence the lack of blogging.

This sucks (donkeys and everything else).

Anonymous said...

Anon says -

"You simply refuse to answer my inquisition..."

He's no longer Anonymous...

His identity has been revealed. We now know who he is -


Into the comfy chairs, everyone, until you answer his questions!

Anonymous said...

Some people (we won't mention any names because they are apparently afraid to provide names) have a little difficulty grasping the point. So let's help them out with some straight language they can understand:

In this case, the point is that a Yes or No answer is not appropriate; in fact, the question itself is invalid. The question makes assumptions (in one case, about oral sex with pack animals; in the other about the very existence of a "War on Terror" and the possibility of "winning" it) that themselves are highly questionable.

Wingnuts love to over-simplify every concept down to yes/no, good/evil, always/never, evolution/creation, with us/against us, black/white bipolarity. It works for them. Of course, the way the world works isn't quite as simple as they would like it to be; but when we point that out, they call us dishonest, unpatriotic, and vulgar.

On one hand, it seems a shame to frustrate and torture this poor, illogical, unnamed bastard the way we're doing it here. On the other hand, it is fun to watch him rant and rave, isn't it? It's a guilty pleasure, probably emanating from the same part of the brain that makes us laugh when somebody's pants fall down.

David said...


Couldn't have put it better myself.


Shawn said...


Your comment brings to mind an old SNL skit ("Johnny Canal") that was sponsored in part by "the New Jersey Puppy Grinding Mill." Their motto was "Sure it's evil, but think of the jobs."

Anonymous said...

How is the question, "Do you or do you not wish the United States to win the war on terror?" not a valid yes or no question? Basically, all of that hoohaw typing you did was nothing more than justifying your reason to not to respond. Plain and simple. You haven't the balls to answer. All you can do is personally attack the one asking you the question by your continued use of vulgar words.

So you saying things like:

"Anon, did you ever stop blowing dead donkeys? You shouldn't have any problem answering that. It's a simple yes or no answer.

So how about it? We demand an answer. Did you quit your disgusting habit of blowing dead donkeys? Yes or No."

So your very own comment obviously directed toward me does not constitute vulgarity in your eyes? Again, you're a liberal, and you're standing on your head telling the rest of the world that it's upside down.

"On one hand, it seems a shame to frustrate and torture this poor, illogical, unnamed bastard the way we're doing it here. On the other hand, it is fun to watch him rant and rave, isn't it? It's a guilty pleasure, probably emanating from the same part of the brain that makes us laugh when somebody's pants fall down."

Indeed. It is fun to watch you, my friend. It's fun to watch you again and again continue to show your lack of balls. You sit there and make a complete jackass of yourself as you continue to justify your reasons for not answering a simple "yes or no" question.

You accuse me of over-simplifying things all the while you make something as a simple "yes or no" question about winning the war on terror and you twist it all around, comparing it to "oral sex with wild pack animals" as you put it. By the way, your fascination with zoophilia has me a bit concerned for your mental well-being. It's bad enough you're a mindless liberal who cannot even take it upon himself to answer a simple question, but to bring hints of zoophilia into the subject more than once merely suggests that you have a grotesque fascination with it.

Once again, you've just proven your lack of guts to answer my question. And your continued responses which clearly evade the question only show what your "true" answer really is anyway.

But, don't anyone ever question your patriotism, right? Right.

As for David's response to your grotesque sorry excuse of a response to me:

Hey man, why don't you grow a true set of balls, huh? Must you resort to your readers to back you up? It's your blog. Stand up, and being a man and answer the question. Yes. Or no.

I'm waiting.

And for the rest of you:

I cannot help but wonder what will go through each and every one of your minds if the (God Forbid) day comes when a mushroom cloud forms over one of our own cities. I cannot help but wonder if you'll feel any sense of personal responsibility in letting this occur being that you support a political party who has done nothing but undermine our President's efforts to prevent terrorism from occurring in this country.

God help us all if the Democrats take control of the White House in 08.

Anonymous said...

Go, Master Lie, go!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of lies. Look it the mirror. You cannot answer the question. You just cannot. You're afraid.

David said...

Ladies and Gentlemen;

I'll say it one more time. Whenever Braden shows any sign of rational thinking I'll engage him in dialog. There's no law that says I have to respond to every (or indeed any) of his ill-formed rants.

In the mean time he doesn't set the agenda for this blog. But if anyone here wants to respond to him, please feel free. I myself consider it an utter waste of time. Whenever he's cornered/beaten in an argument (which is often), he simply changes the subject to something else. He's not interested in the truth, he's only interested in the fight.

It's a waste of time to try to keep up with him.

As for his simple "yes or no" question, the question itself is far from simple as it is loaded with concepts that are far from well-defined. But I'll dumb it down for him anyway.


I want my country to win the war on terror - what sort of fucking stupid question is that, anyway? The thing is we're not fighting "the war on terror" right now, are we?

The civil war in Iraq is not "the war on terror" and neither is the administration's criminal assault on our civil liberties.

Cynical minds (and simple ones, like Braden's) have sought to mix them in together in order to achieve levels of political power and control quite unprecedented in this country.

The depths of Braden's anti-patriotism can be seen in these sentences

"I cannot help but wonder what will go through each and every one of your minds if the (God Forbid) day comes when a mushroom cloud forms over one of our own cities. I cannot help but wonder if you'll feel any sense of personal responsibility in letting this occur being that you support a political party who has done nothing but undermine our President's efforts to prevent terrorism from occurring in this country."

Even the exercise of our political freedom is itself deemed a threat to the country, when it disagrees with Braden's narrow-minded vision of the country.

So I'll pose my own "simple yes or no question" to all the Bradens of the world: Do you want to destroy our country in order to continue to fight the war on terror?

Simple yes or no. Please do not change the subject.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't set the agenda of this blog. And it's amazing that you have to justify your "yes" with a long, hot-aired response. Why not just say "yes," David? Why the personal insults? Can't take the heat? Oh well, that's another matter altogether. At least I can somewhat respect you for growing a set of nads in a brief instant.

Speaking of, answering your question:

No, I do not wish to destroy this country by fighting terrorism around the world, and ultimately I don't think that will ever happen, IF the Democrats allow this Administration (and next) to do its job. Otherwise, with all of the undermining the Democratic party has been doing when it comes to this country's war on terror, we will have a problem. Look at Pelosi and Reid, they wish to make it illegal to profile Muslims for instance. How logical is that during a time of war?

Yes, I do support fighting terrorism around the world. I believe the best way to fight it, is to fight it at the source. Why? Better fight it there, than fight it here at home, wouldn't you say?

See, unlike you, I can answer your question in ONE, SINGLE, easy-to-read response.

By the way, speaking of patriotism:

"The depths of Braden's anti-patriotism can be seen in these sentences

"I cannot help but wonder what will go through each and every one of your minds if the (God Forbid) day comes when a mushroom cloud forms over one of our own cities. I cannot help but wonder if you'll feel any sense of personal responsibility in letting this occur being that you support a political party who has done nothing but undermine our President's efforts to prevent terrorism from occurring in this country."

How does that constitute anti-patriotism? Really, David. How does it? You fail to give your evidence as to why you think that above statement demonstrates anti-patriotism. Or is that your way of attempting to "change the subject" as you so put it?

That's what I thought David.

Nice try though.

P.S. I can see that "political science" degree you have really works. And by the way, you were not on the school debating team, were you? I didn't think so.

Anonymous said...


I suppose you realize that we will have to ask you to turn in your membership card in our Flakes and Idiots for Godless Hating of The Terrible, Horrible, Execrable United States of America (FIGHTTHEUSA). Please also forget the secret handshake. I'm afraid you will no longer be permitted to wear green and yellow on Thursdays anymore.

We simply cannot afford members who refuse to believe that America must lose the war on terror. As you used to know but seem to have forgotten, FIGHTTHEUSA seeks to hasten the day when not just one, but all American cities except our unholy capital of SF, lie nestled under cozy mushroom clouds.

We are sorry you have done this to yourself. We used to depend on you as one of the most ardent opponents of liberty as we know it.

Now please stand still while we dance around you and spit on you while chanting, "Freedom lover, freedom lover, freedom lover..."

David said...


Mr. Braden's convinced me that the majority of the citizens of America, by disagreeing with our Glorious Leader, have shown themselves to be the stupid mindless sheep who want nothing more than to help the terrorists.

Their votes should be discounted because what they voted FOR, the destruction of the greatest country God ever gave mankind, invalidates their claims to being citizens.

Only the right thinking people (like me and Braden) should be allowed to run things, because (and trust us on this - even though you might disagree) WE KNOW BETTER THAN THE REST OF YOU MORONS.

Yep, that's what I learned from Mr Braden.

Anonymous said...

Oh, crap, I wore green and yellow today.

I don't want to be mistaken for you puppy-kickers.

Anonymous said...

That's puppy-rapers, x. Don't forget, we're wa-a-a-y into zoophilia.

Richmond K. Turner said...

Look, it was one thing when it was donkeys. But puppies are out of bounds. Except for those little annoying football-sized dogs. You can rape all of them you want.

Shawn said...

While I'm pretty agnostic I'm willing to wager "toy" dogs are a karmic device. Those who were overly self-important and avaricious wind up coming back as one of these teeny-weeny pooches.

At any rate, it's hard to believe that such things are descended from the mighty wolf.

Of course, belief in "karma" is a decadent sort of thing and according to certain right-wingers will only invite terrorist reprisals against us.

I guess I DO support the terrorists after all. Huh; who woulda thunk it?

Anonymous said...

There is no war on terror.

Regardless of what happens, Bush will say the U.S. won the war in Iraq. Hell, he already did, once.

That's what the "surge" is all about. Do something different for a couple of months and then say we've turned the corner and give cover for the retreat. It's all about trying to save face at this point.

The majority of the U.S. public will say we lost. That's a good thing, cause it will delay the next shitbird who wants to try a similar stunt.

That's why he'll have to go it alone in Iran, 'cause nobody belives what he says anymore; he cried "wolf" in Iraq.

At this point, Iran would have to do a nuke test on live tv during American Idol to get anybody to pay attention to what Bush says about it.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could agree with you, NAI.

Thirty-eight percent still think Bush is "their guy." CF Democrats-Lie (alias Braden alias Anonymous) all over this blog.

Anonymous said...

"That's why he'll have to go it alone in Iran, 'cause nobody believes what he says anymore; he cried "wolf" in Iraq."

Excuse me:

Iran is run by a little tyrant who says Israel should be wiped off the face of the map. His words. He also said that the haulocast never happened, either.

Iran is getting closer and closer to a nuclear bomb, but that's ok. He's probably just bluffing. Are you willing to take that chance?

I take it that you support what Iran says?

Anonymous said...

There are WMDS in Iran! Sanctions won't work! Slam dunk! Weapons inspectors are blind! We know where they are -- north, south, east, and west of Tehran!

I have just one question for you, Master Lie: Do you want the United States to invade Iran? Yes or No.