January 4, 2007

Report from DC - Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

I'll type that again - Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

She's speaking now.

At one point the camera focussed on the OUTGOING speaker - Denny Hastert. A box of dynamite couldn't raise a smile on that face.

One last time (for all the Sean Hannity Fans out there):

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

Rawstory has the speech.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the reports. Nancy as Speaker is so fabulously amazing. How cool for us to be witnessing history!

Of course you're getting press credentials is cool too, but maybe just a little lower on the cool scale than Pelosi's news.

David said...

Thanks, Gloria.

I really appreciate that.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

i'm giddy i'm so happy! never thought i'd see it in my lifetime!

Maria said...

Can't wait to see her sitting beside Cheney in a couple of weeks -- do you think he'll be able to manage to look more full of bile than usual?

Sherry Pasquarello said...

not without actually being an ugly shade of green! ; )

Terrell said...

I loved your comment about Hastert. My 18 year old daughter laughed at Hastert's expression.

I am so impressed with Nancy Pelosi. What an inspiration her speech was today!

We still have to endure two more years of Bush and Lord knows how many years of the Bush influence on the court, but , at least, the good guys have the Congress!

Anonymous said...

Yep the good guys have congress. Those same guys who want to make it illegal to profile Muslims. Like I've said in a previous post, it's an unfortunate aspect of being at war, but it has to happen. Talk to any Japanese American who lived here in World War II.

If you all have your way, the next terrorist attack will be sooner than later.

Keep on voting for the government which you love, and that is a government who wishes to run your everyday lives, from what kind of toothbrush to use, to how to wipe your butt. This country is rapidly turning into a country of people who have a sense of entitlement. People who don't want to do anything but get everything anyway. A class envy society. Yep, enjoy it because you just all fueled the fire even further.

All of you are so blinded by your political battles amongst each other you've failed to see what sorry ass shape this country is in. Want to know what this country's number one exported item is? Soy beans and aircraft parts (and that's a fact, jack).

Keep losing our jobs over here thanks to your unions who are so greedy, they'd rather cause their employment to go under rather than keep their jobs here so we can all enjoy the "Made in USA" tag. Hell, look at our lousy auto industry. American cars lack the same quality as say, a car made in Japan or even South Korea for that matter. Ford is in dire straights. Chevy is in sorry shape. And let's not even bring in Chrysler into the picture because they've always sucked. And why is all of this? Because of the unions. The car manufacturers here cannot afford research and development and quaility control because of the outrageous demands of the unions. I can say this because of the high quality coming from cars made in Japan and South Korea, not to mention European models still manufactuered there, too. Ya'll just cannot figure it out, can you? It's sad, really sad.

Then you all wonder why China makes such a high percentage of our goods we buy, right? That unstable bubble is going to burst, soon. And when it does, I'll be laughing at each and every single one of you.

You ignorant fools.

Anonymous said...

Anon -

I agree with you completely. If it weren't for that damned election a few months ago, the Congress wouldn't have changed over to the "mommy" party with it's homo-lovin' cut-and-run terrorist appeasers now in charge.

If only George Bush had the balls enough to declare martial law in order to save our freedoms!

Damn that democracy!

Anonymous said...

Anon#2, what you just said perfectly illustrates how you ignored everything I said because (1) you're too stupid to comprehend what was actually written, or (2) you're too stubborn and set in your liberal ways to admit that you know I am right, or (3) you're too ignorant to know any better.

I think #3 applies to you best.

Enough said of the liberal mindset.

Captain USpace said...

Good one, you're in, thanks!

absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
many surrender monkees

we must give them what they want
then terrorists will just quit...