January 2, 2007

Special Announcement

I'll be in DC on Thursday - I've been invited to watch (and blog on) the ceremony swearing in new members of the US House of Representatives.

On the one hand, I get to watch the beginning of Jason Altmire's political career - on the other, I get to watch (what I hope to be) the end of Melissa Hart's.

It'll be an honor to watch the Constitution at work.

Your humble servant



Anonymous said...

Have fun. Looking forward to reading your report.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

can't wait to read all about it.

Anonymous said...

David, do you actually have a real job? Here you are leaving for DC on Thursday to watch this event while the rest of us are stuck at work. You certainly have a lot of time on your hands, don't you?

Here's a hint: Get a real job which requires you to actually do real work instead of you sitting on your sorry behind blogging all day long about political happenings which chap your ass.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Dayvoe! How come you don't take hints from someone who hides behind an Anonymous login? Obviously, he is not only braver but also far brighter than you: Just marvel at the crystaline purity of his logic. And you know that if someone offered him the option of sitting on his "sorry behind," he would turn it down. Next year, he may actually have a chance for the job of driving the garbage truck.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the irony of the fact that anon is probably crafting this insightful commentary while he/she is supposed to be working.

Shawn said...

Or he's anonymously posting while sitting on his ass at home. I can see it now - pissed-off loser lounging in his Underoos with Maury on in the background, his languid routine punctuated by bursts of angry cursing and typing.

Yes, I think we're dealing with a latter-day Ignatius J. Reilly. So show some respect.

David said...

And actually, I'm taking a day OFF of work to go down to DC.

So there.

Anonymous said...

John, you have a lot of nerve with the "anonymous login" comment considering the fact that your name is about as real as Saddam Hussein was trustworthy with a canister of mustard gas. Dude, you're so fake you could not count your balls and get the same answer twice.

Oh by the way, speaking of garbage trucks, I just saw your momma drive by.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how I can ever recover from your devastatin' witticisms, Anon. But I'll rally just long enough to pose a question: If I'm hiding, how did you know to call me John? In addition to wealthy and wise, are you also psychic?

Anonymous said...

Can't help the easy joke...Bush supporters are the best psyhics, they're used to making stuff up.

Anonymous said...

Are you really going to be this childish? Ok, I'll entertain your little miserable brain some more:

With the name(s) you currently hide under such as "John Shitrock, or John Schmuck," one can easily determine that is not your real identity. Let's also take into the fact that the name "John" is an extremely common name. SO there, in essence, you're using an anonymous name.

You're amazing, you accuse others of the very same exact thing that you're doing, and yet those very same actions that you accuse others of doing that you're doing yourself is considered "ok" by you. How can I say that? Cuz you are a liberal and that's what liberals do. "Do as I say, but not as I do."

Try again.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for entertaining my miserable little brain; but that brain is large enough to note that it would take you about, oh I don't know, 45 seconds to discover my real name on this blog. I realize that you don't have that kind of time, given your demanding executive schedule; but understand that you are further humiliating yourself (as if that were possible) in your willful ignorance.

Two of your fellow Wingnuttians were kind enough to dub me "Schmuck" and "Shitrock," and I wear the moniker proudly.

Here's a hint: The scatological surname I have adopted is an ever-so-clever corruption of my actual name. I realize that people on your side of the political spectrum are accustomed to having things handed to them, but I challenge you to get off your lazy ass and discover what you apparently want to know.

Three more points:

1. No one actually cares about which Anonymous mouth-breather you are. If you wish to be so cowardly as to not even hide behind a handle, that's fine with us.

2. Better not let your Rapepublican buddies catch you espousing actual work in return for pay. For example, the Congress that just left office would be destitute.

3. Please remember to put the lid back on my garbage can next time. Like you, it keeps blowing away.

Anonymous said...

John, I have one word which applies directly to you:


Period. The end.

Oh by the way, do you actually have a blog of your own, or do you hang around here all day long sucking on Maria's tits?

Anonymous said...

Inaccurate, unfunny, and sexist. Congratulations, you've got three legs of the right-wing Grand Slam, Anon. All you need now is racist.

Anonymous said...

Oh, because you're not racist at all, you're just so perfect and have no flaws whatsoever. You telling me that you're not a racist is you admitting that you're a flat out liar. There is not one person on the face of this earth who isn't.

Dude, you're such a loser. You hang around on here all day long swinging your fists against virtually every single person who says something in response to a blog entry which in turn you end up not agreeing with.

It's a shame that your life is so narrow that you have to around here in order to make yourself feel important and intelligent? You're a sniveling liberal who associates with a group of people who in turn think that bigger government is the answer to society's problems. Freedoms and liberties mean absolutely nothing to you and those like you anymore. If you had your way, you'd let your government tell you when it's safe to wipe your ass. You're part of a large group of people who have no idea what self responsibility means. You're part of a group who believes that they are entitled to everything without actually working for it.

I'll tell you what, Shit-For-Brains, I'll personally be amazed if you can actually say something to someone on here (who you disagree with) without attempting to make yourself look better than they are. Going back and reading every single response you have ever said to anyone who you do not agree with contains condescending and hateful remarks, not to mention foolish attempts at making yourself look more intelligent than they are.

How can I say all of that? Because you clearly project that image with every single response.

All of that being said, I can thus quickly and accurately deduce that you're an individual who suffers from an extremely severe inferiority complex (or a small personal deficit, which wouldn't surprise me in the least).

Now, you just sit there, and watch your newly elected government begin to screw up this country even more, and then you can sit there and blame their screw-ups on the previous government/administration.

That's right, just sit there and support people like Nancy Pelosi who want to make it against the law to profile Muslims, which is a most unfortunate aspect of war. Just talk to any Japanese Americans living here during World War II.

I cannot help but wonder what state of affairs this country would be in if people like Nancy Pelosi and company were in place during the era of World War II. I know this much, instead of speaking out "good evening" to your fellow American's, you'd be speaking "Guten Abend" instead.

How easily you have forgotten September 11, 2001. How easily you've forgotten about the people jumping to their deaths from burning buildings because a group of Islamic fascists decided to fly a jetliner into said buildings. How easily you've forgotten the image(s) of those two towers falling down.

What part of war on Islamic fascism do you not understand?

What will it take for fools like you to realize that we're at war with these people who want to see you and me and everyone else in this country dead?

Will it take a mushroom cloud over one of our cities?

If that would even happen God forbid, I guarantee it that you would be among those blaming George W. Bush, even though members of the Democratic party have done nearly everything they can to hinder George W. Bush's attempt at fighting the war on terror. Amazing, isn't it? See, that's where "personal responsibility" is ignored by Democrats. They love to pin the blame.

If the shit hits the fan...the Democratic party is going to have an awful lot of explain' to do. Especially given the fact that Pelosi and company want to make it even harder to fight the war on terror by making it illegal to profile Muslims.

Now, go back and sit on your comfy couch and sip another latte and think of some sarcastic, sniveling response to what I said.

Actually, I could care less what you say in response because no matter what I say to you will have just more sniveling sarcasm thrown back at me.

I'll leave you with this, John:

Ignorance is bliss.

Anonymous said...

Per your request:

Leave me with anything you like as long as you leave.

We all knew you couldn't take it.

Shawn said...

Someone's leaving this blog comments section?

To paraphrase Toki Wartooth, "That's nots metals."

Anonymous said...

"Per your request:

Leave me with anything you like as long as you leave.

We all knew you couldn't take it."

Say what? I was "closing" my comment to you, "not leaving." Only one with an ego so overly inflated as yours would think otherwise.

God damn, you just proved all of the previous points I outlined to you....again.

So like, when you read, do you actually comprehend the words, or do you just selectively comprehend what your ego allows you to? Just wondering.

Once again, nice try but no cigar, son.

Anonymous said...

Doctor Anon, we understand your frustration. You bought in totally to the right-wing BS, so naturally you are ill-informed, misinformed, and scared. It's not your fault; they made you that way.

Confusion, fear, and hate being the primary political tools of WingNuttia, you have adopted their practices. With nothing constructive to say about anything, you resort to the only weapon left: puerile name-calling. No problem. What else could you do?

One of your problems is that you are just no good at this. You start these colloquies with some adolescent wise-crack that you think is funny. Then somebody answers you with another that IS funny, and you get pissed off. No fact or opinion passes in the conversation except insults. You can't take the strain, so you just keep escalating the vitriol. It's fun for us, misery for you. All you do is embarrass yourself.

Perhaps after enough time has passed, you will realize that your tactics do not change anyone's mind. Eventually, you may recognize that taking up several inches of a blog with fevered rantings about "mushroom clouds" and "Islamic Fascism" is best left to the Ann Coulters and Michael Savages of your paranoid little world, all of whom you pay generously to exploit your ignorance and fear.

As to all your accusations: I plead guilty. I am stupid, cowardly, egotistical, traitorous, queer, atheist, hung like a light switch, and afflicted with massive self-doubt. I can understand that it would make you crazy that such a defective person as I am can make you look so dumb, so often, so easily.