March 18, 2007

On This Day in History, Part II

On March 18, A Long Time Ago, I was born.

They say that you're only as old as you feel and I feel OLD.

These days when I look to see who's on Conan or Letterman or Leno, I have to admit that nine times out of ten I've never even heard of the band guesting on the show.

And, that makes me feel old.

Time was when I knew all the bands' names and the music they played. What's worse is that most of the stuff I hear seems relentlessly vapid, predictable, boring, and oh yeah, B-O-R-I-N-G. What's up with all this ballady crap? Fine, I know I was always more inclined to stay away from the real popular stuff, but even the supposedly edgier stuff leaves me cold.

And, yes, I'm sure there's good stuff out there. And, yes, I know I sound like some "these kids with their darn music " old crab and I guess that's what I am. Like I said, I feel old.

So, get off my damn yard...and off my radio/PC/TV.

Here's to better musical times:

Me back when my most cherished possessions were my
white go-go boots, my red & white polka dot suitcase-style
record player, and a stack of British Invasion 45's.

Me -- still with the polka dots --and when my most cherished
possession was my pair of baby blue suede go-go boots
(from the OLD Pittsburgh Press Sunday Magazine, circa 1980).


Sherry Pasquarello said...

happy birthday!

i'm older! have cake! ; )

Anonymous said...

Happy bday!

Maria said...

Thanks all! Will be having cake (and ice cream) shortly. :-)

Shawn said...

oooh, oooh, what kinda cake?!?

David said...


Gloria said...


The photo of you from the Pgh. Press reminds me of the young hipster women I see walking around today. Le plus ca change (or something like that).

What was the occasion of your photo being in the paper?

Sherry Pasquarello said...

chocolate, oh please, chocolate!!!!

Richmond K. Turner said...

Happy Birthday, Maria!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Maria - May you have MANY more!

PA progressive said...

Happy birthday, what a great picture!

By the way I'll be in the "burgh next weekend, attending the Campaign Camp at Pitt. I'll get in town Saturday afternoon.

Jonathan Potts said...

Happy birthday! It's my birthday too.

EdHeath said...

Happy Birthday indeed.

Maria said...

1. CHOCOLATE (cake, icing & ice cream)
2. It was a pictorial on a bunch of local punk bands playing in Market Square.
3. Really??? Happy Birthday to you!

And again, THANKS TO ALL! :-)

Anonymous said...

Punk rock girl
Please look at me
Punk rock girl
What do you see?
Let's travel round the world
Just you and me punk rock girl

--The Dead Milkmen

Karen said...


Tim Murray said...

Happy birthday, Maria!

Shawn said...

It's always a good thing when the Dead Milkmen are wishing you a happy birthday.

Still, I hope your store has some Mojo Nixon.