May 25, 2007

The Senate Vote on HR 2206

Here's how the AP tells the tale.
Bowing to President Bush, the Democratic-controlled Congress grudgingly approved fresh billions for the Iraq war Thursday night, minus the troop withdrawal timeline that drew his earlier veto.
Even though, as I posted earlier, most Americans (63%) continue to support a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq.

So how did our PA Senators do?

Take a look. The bill passed the Senate 80-14. Did either Pennsylvania Senator vote NO?


Here's a list of the Senators who voted NO:

Boxer (D-CA)Burr (R-NC) Clinton (D-NY) Coburn (R-OK) Dodd (D-CT) Enzi (R-WY) Feingold (D-WI) Kennedy (D-MA) Kerry (D-MA) Leahy (D-VT) Obama (D-IL)Sanders (I-VT) Whitehouse (D-RI) Wyden (D-OR)

So despite the fact that the majority of Americans want a timeline for withdrawal of the troops in Iraq, the Congress backed down and gave dubya what he'd always demanded anyway - the cash with no strings.

Truly Disappointing.


Anonymous said...

Edwards voted yes?

David said...

Edwards is no longer in the Senate.

Richmond K. Turner said...

Nice to see you are paying close attention, Mr. Anonymous.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

they are a disappointment, tho the shame is on me for getting my hopes up i guess.

Anonymous said...

No, my dear Sherry, the shame is all on them; unless you also ran for office in 2006, won, then turned your back on the ONE issue that got you elected.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that I don't see any of you getting upset at the Democrats further; considering they HAD the power to completely defund the war and bring the troops home NOW.

Why didn't the Democrats do it? Spineless, that's why. If the Democrats cared about the troops as much as they claim, surely they would of brought them home NOW, instead of dragging this fiasco out for months.

How could this all of happened? Easy, allow me: The Democrats know that if they would of defunded the entire operation, the chances of any victory for them in 08 would of been lost. What's the bottom line here? The Democrats are using the War as a political tool, something I've been telling you mindless sheeple for months now, but you all continue to turn a blind eye and deaf ear.

The Democrats had it in their reach to completely stop the war in Iraq and bring home the troops and you all let it go.

You're all hypocrites for this (and more).

Mark Rauterkus said...

Harsh word, "hypocrite." But, harsh times require such words.

Most Ds and most Rs are cut from the same cloth, I dare say.

Meanwhile, a US Congressman, Dr. Ron Paul, a vet who was born in Pittsburgh, was and is against the war -- full time. From before and to now. He is called a Libertarian, but he is in Congress with the "R" label.

I endorse the Dr. Ron Paul approach to this war. We need to make friends internationally. We need to get out of there.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't the Democrats do it? Spineless, that's why. If the Democrats cared about the troops as much as they claim, surely they would of brought them home NOW, instead of dragging this fiasco out for months.

Congress does not have the authority to withdraw the troops.

Sadly, the Dems have swallowed the phony argument that defunding the occupation of Iraq equates to a lack of "support" for the troops. Glenn Greenwald does an excellent job debunking this myth.

Anonymous said...

no, congress has the authority to defund the war, you twit. READ WHAT I SAID.

ask you beloved democrats to defund the war NOW. they have it in their power to do it, yet they wont? why? because it will destory any chance of a presidential victory in 08 and they know it. instead, they will politicize the war any further by keeping our troops in harms way. i thought the democrats cared about the troops? if so, then defund the war, NOW.

Like I said, they are spineless.