Democracy Has Prevailed.

July 15, 2007

Another Anti-War Editorial

From an editorial in today's paper:

Perhaps Jack Murtha put it best: The Pennsylvania congressman, among the first to make the cogent argument that staying the course in Iraq was the exercise in futility that indeed the war has become, says President Bush is delusional.

Based on the president's recent performance, we could not agree more. "Staying the course" is not simply futile -- it is a prescription for American suicide.

We've urged for months to bring our troops home.

Now is the time.

Suming up:
  • The President is delusional.
  • Continuing this war is suicide.
  • It's time to bring the troops home - now.
Next snippet:

And quite frankly, during last Thursday's news conference, when George Bush started blathering about "sometimes the decisions you make and the consequences don't enable you to be loved," we had to question his mental stability.

Summing up:
  • This editorial board questions the president's mental stability.
And finally:

If the president won't do the right thing and end this war, the people must. The House has voted to withdraw combat troops from Iraq by April. The Senate must follow suit.

Summing up:

  • This is what I've been saying for a long long time.

And which paper is this editorial from? The left-leaning Post-Gazette? The liberal Village Voice? The outright commie pinko City Paper?

Crshk! Uh, that's a big-time negatory on all three there, good buddy. Over?

This editorial is from the Richard Mellon Scaife-owned Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

I kid you not. Check it aht.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

about time.

now, if they only listen.

EdHeath said...

The "picture" story of the online NYTimes, at least for now, is about growing military family opposition to the war. One phrase stuck with me. Someone said the families and the soldiers are torn because they want to get out of Iraq, but the job is not done. It is very hard to see how the job could get "done", but that is what we need to concentrate on. Maybe if we divide Iraq up into three. That will piss off Turkey (because of an independent Kurdistan), and probably at some point the Sunnis and Shia will go after each other. But it would enable us to leave during a quiet point.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe I was actually reading that in the Trib today.

Bram Reichbaum said...

Holy crap! Have they really been urging withdrawal for months? Or are they sort of revising their own history?

I'm heading right over to the P-G, to see if Jack Kelly has joined Code Pink.

Jonathan Potts said...

It's worth noting that the Trib editorialized against the invasion of Iraq, maintaining that whatever threat Saddam Hussein posed could be contained.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you know it's bad when a Republican President is losing Richard Mellon Scaife.