July 17, 2007

Jim Quinn Gets Fact-Checked (July 17 Edition)

An astute reader clued me in to this column by J.D. Prose.

The whole thing started out when Allys Boyer, an 84-year old constituent of Congressman Jason Altmire's and Gold Star Mother, wanted to go visit the White House in late June. Her son, Cpl Larry Boyer, was killed in Vietnam in May, 1969. Coincidentally, President George W. Bush was just completing his first year in the comparatively cushy (certainly compared to Vietnam) Texas Air National Guard in May, 1969.

Fortunate son.

Turns out there's a policy in place at the White House for Gold Star Families to be pushed to the head of the line when looking to get a White House tour.

Sounds like good news for Allys, doesn't it?

Not so fast. The policy is for only for those families who lost a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan. And remember, Allys Boyer lost a son in Vietnam when dubya was guarding the air over Texas.

Prose wrote about it here (sub. req - sorry), but the full text can be found here (if you can wade through the freerepublic garbage that surrounds it).

That's when Quinn, the well-armed terrorist, chimed in. Here's how Prose wrote it this weekend:

Now, we don't know what Quinn said and we weren't bothered enough to find out, but from the e-mails and comments, we gathered that we're lazy, stupid, unethical, anti-military and a shill for U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire, D-4, McCandless Township.

Whew! At least nobody called us ugly.

We were mainly accused of being duped by Altmire and his spokeswoman, Christina Stacey, who informed us of the Boyer family's request for a White House tour and the subsequent rejection.

Quinn's apparent claim was that Altmire knew Vietnam mothers weren't eligible for preferential treatment, but he offered up Mrs. Boyer as a pawn to make President Goofy, uh, Bush look bad.

"You are a sucker, J.D.," wrote Luke Snatchko of Burgettstown on the Web site. "They submitted their request knowing it would get turned down."

"Dem. leaders mis-represent soldiers' status to the White House knowing that it will be discovered and denied later. They are using the press to develop non-stories," wrote Jerry Linger of Cincinnati.

Riiiiiight. See? It was A VAST LEFT-WING CONSPIRACY!!

With Bush enjoying such immense popularity (29 percent) and riding a wave of success in Iraq (cough, cough), House Democrats decided to knock him down a peg by concocting lies about the White House ignoring mothers whose sons died fighting in Vietnam. Brilliant!

Then the nutcase case really got moving. There were allegations by Quinn that the Boyers were big contributors to the Democratic Party. Here's where the fact-checking happened. Prose continued:

Center Township reader Robin Cox, who's been no fan of ours, posted a critical comment, but then showed the initiative we lack and checked out Quinn's argument.

Here's what Cox later wrote: "Mr. Quinn used an anonymous source, someone he calls 'Son of Deepthroat.' I'm always skeptical of anonymous sources ... Mr. Quinn claimed a Lexis/Nexis search uncovered contributions from the Boyers to Howard Dean and George Soros-related 527s. I checked FEC data on the Center for Responsive Politics website for the 2000 through 2008 campaign cycles and found no contributions to anyone under any of the Boyer names mentioned in the Prose column ... Mr. Quinn alleged there were at least four other cases similar to that of the Boyers. A Google search found no hits to support that allegation."

Don't these guys think that someone might actually check their work?

But the bigger issue here is what Quinn was trying to do. In order to deflect from the issue (that there are two tiers of support in dubya's White House for Gold Star Families, when there should only be one), he raises non-issues (who knew which rules and when) and manufactures "facts" (the Boyers non-existent campaign donations).

Jim Quinn, Pittsburgh's own crazy-ass wingnut.


Anonymous said...

Don't these guys think that someone might actually check their work?

They don't care.

The Quinns, the Limbaughs, the Carlsons, the O'Reillys are in the business of creating "realistic" entertainment for reactionariy vampires who require fresh liberal blood every night. The objective truth of their stories is irrelevant. The questions are: Is this something my audience wants to believe? And: Is this something that I can make marginally believable?

It's like Survivor. It's not reality, it's reality-based, sort of. It is true in the same way that Fear Factor is true, sort of.

Fact? Accuracy? Why would they want to communicate fact or accuracy? Do we require fact or accuracy from Shakespeare? Do we think there really is a fairy queen named Titania?

No, Dayvoe. The audience that tunes into Mr. Quinn is not seeking objective fact. They are seeking Wingnut fact, which is quite a different thing. Objective fact just is. Wingnut fact becomes true after reverberating within the Echo Chamber[tm] long enough to convince the mainstream media. What? You thought the Big Lie started out as truth?

David said...


You're right, as usual. (How do you do that??)

While there's a lot of almost reality-based truthiness out there in Wingnuttia, I'd have to say that Quinn is so completely over the line that I'm not sure any word with "reality" or "truth" in it can adequately apply.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

i couldn't have said it any better.

also, the fact that quinn would try to use a gold star vietnam mam and family to further his ratings just shows what type of a person he is.

i don't recall him serving.
in fact, i seem to recall a round little hippie wanna be with a foul mouth during the late 60's.

Anonymous said...

i don't recall him serving.
in fact, i seem to recall a round little hippie wanna be with a foul mouth during the late 60's.

Yeah, Quinn is one of those "I dodged the draft but boy do I now regret it" types.

Easy to say now.



Anonymous said...

A point that I implied above, but meant to state explicitly: The Wingnut audience, for the most part, will never even know that they've been deceived. Most of Quinn's listeners get their data only from Quinn. Very few of them will ever read Prose or 2PJ.

And even if they are involuntarily exposed to conflicting information, so what? These are the same people who believe that T. Rex and Abraham were contemporaries.

You're right, as usual. (How do you do that??)

(:^)} I am only an egg, and remain your humble minion.

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

Turns out there's a policy in place at the White House for Gold Star Families [of Iraq war veterans] to be pushed to the head of the line when looking to get a White House tour.
But the bigger issue here is what Quinn was trying to do. In order to deflect from the issue (that there are two tiers of support in dubya's White House for Gold Star Families, when there should only be one), he raises non-issues (who knew which rules and when) and manufactures "facts" (the Boyers non-existent campaign donations).

What you are failing to mention is that previous administrations had no policy for Gold Star Families to gain preferential treatment for obtaining a White House tour.

Anonymous said...

What you are failing to mention is that previous administrations had no policy for Gold Star Families to gain preferential treatment for obtaining a White House tour.

Shame! Shame, I say! on Ronald Reagan and GHW Bush for neglecting all those families from the dreadful Grenada and Panama invasions!

Anonymous said...

Quinn is a greasy, crater-faced little geek. I saw him hanging out in Al’s CafĂ© in Bethel Park a few years ago, the guy has loser written all over him.

This issue with Gold Star Mothers is one the wing nuts love to attempt to exploit, usually getting away with it. There was a wing-nut email making the rounds a few months ago accusing Hillary of blowing off the group on their visit to DC. It was, of course, completely bogus, so much so that the Gold Star Mothers themselves have a note about it under their FAQ section (http://www.goldstarmoms.com/agsm/FAQs/FAQs.htm) about 2/3 the way down the page, stating that Hillary DID NOT blow them off. Of course, that never gets in the way of some creative wing-nut fiction!

Anonymous said...

Jim Quinn would defile his own mother if it meant more money for him. And as for his side kick the giant nosed Rose Tennant....remember a few years back when she was on OffQ? She sat next to Fred Honsberger twisting her aging frame towards him like a lonely old hag who desperately wanted to take over his kool-aid drinking audience. Rose thought that she was somehow a 'hip chick' and was wearing low rise jeans and a thong. Her backside was facing towards the camera as her front was trying to 'do' the Honz. We all got a scary look at Wrinkley Rose's ass hanging out of her thong, she is the world's first and foremost 'Pro-life Prostitute'!
Quinn and Rose...ladies and gentleman...I give you the lamest jackasses on radio today.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from this sexual harasser--he was fired from B94 for harassing newscaster Liz Randolph. I caught a couple of his shows during the Clinton years--yeah Clinton sold drugs out of the White House, did coke,etc. blah blah blah.

He was no good going back to the KQV days when he was picking up the 16 year old chicks at Carlynton High School.

Anonymous said...

I listen to Quinn sometimes in the morning and have emailed him about the misinformation, distorted facts, etc he provides his listeners. He has responded back to my emails on several occasions with name calling, further distortion of the facts and just outright lies.

Instead of writing to Jim, I now send letters to the companies he name calls and lies about on the air. I also copy his sponsors.

No sponsors, then no money, then no Quinn.

jb said...

everyone with a brain knows quinn lies. everyone without a brain believes him. He is a sexual harrassing pig IMHO!!! HE IS A JOKE