Democracy Has Prevailed.

October 6, 2007

Just a thought

Just a thought...

...but, the Republicans have been pushing the idea that Democrats are weak on terror for some time now and the Ravenstahl Administration just handed them a big fat gift with Luke's "Tailgate."

...even if Mary Beth Buchanan ever makes a case against one or more folks in the Ravenstahl Administration over Tailgate, the DOJ's past selective prosecution of Dems may make the whole thing look "political."

...but, doesn't the DOJ have anything better to do than to troll local blogs for posts on Luke's tailgate?
Referring Link No referring link
Host Name
IP Address [Label IP Address]
Country United States
Region District Of Columbia
City Washington
ISP Us Dept Of Justice
Returning Visits 12
Visit Length 6 mins 42 secs
Browser MSIE 6.0
Operating System Windows XP
Resolution 1024x768
Javascript Enabled

Navigation Path

Date Time WebPage
3rd October 2007 12:44:50 No referring link
3rd October 2007 12:46:36
3rd October 2007 12:51:32 No referring link
Of course, it could have just been a bored intern surfing the web or they may have a bot that searches for phrases like "Hate America" and "Love Al Qaeda." (Yikes!)

...local bloggers who think it's fine and dandy for a police officer to punch a handcuffed suspect might want to consider that this is the same kind of officer who might act like a dick to someone who jaywalked or had a moving violation or kicked a pigeon -- or if he just thought someone had jaywalked or had a moving violation or kicked a pigeon -- or he thought you had looked at him funny. (Man, I hope neither of you ever serve jury duty because what you've written would tend to make me think that you'd be all "If the cops arrested the defendant than the dude must be guilty" if you ever get on a jury.)

...but, please STFU you local newscasters and weather folk who keep saying we're having "beautiful" weather when it's 90 degrees in October. WTF is wrong with a nice cool, crisp, clear autumn day?

...if the Repugs want to torture folks, you'd think that they'd want to start with whoever designed and approved the following logo for them:
As the Great Orange Satan himself noted:

And yes, this is real, not an extremely clever photoshop job, and truly encapsulates what the Republican Party is all about.

Wide stance? Check.

In Minneapolis? Check.

Prison stripe-wearing? Check.

As for the elephant humping the "2008"...Are they going for a "Still screwing the country in 2008" theme, or is it a reference to hypocritical adulterers like David Vitter and just about the entire Republican presidential field?

All of the above? Check!

Apparently they ran out of space for a collapsing bridge.

Update: Can't you just picture the Daily Show and Colbert Report writers salivating at the possibilities?



Anonymous said...

Or maybe they were just adding this site to the "Bush Enemies List." If so, congratulations. Making that list is an accomplishment, and indicates that you're a very patriotic American that stands by the principles of the constitution and the rule of law!

Seriously, if they go after Luke, I think it'll be for something bigger than the Tailgate thing.

Anonymous said...

How did you perform that visitor analysis? With google analytics or something else? Good sleuthin 2PJs!

Sherry Pasquarello said...

good post. yeah i think that enemies list is growing daily. ; )

Anonymous said...

John K. says: We do not have to make the case Democrats are weak on terror. They make that case themselves by their actions. Democrats would rather fight the war on terror with lawyers and courts. Which is exactly what Bin Laden wants.

Maria said...

Hmmm...Bin Laden, Bin laden...Oh, right!

The guy Bush let get away after he attacked us on Bush's watch.

Maria said...


Just got the info from our free stat counter.

Everyone else,

No, for the most part we can't tell who you are, but if you are coming from a government PC, we can see that you're coming from the City or County or Congress, etc.

Maria said...

We used to get visits from the Sergeant of the Arms of the Senate, for example, pretty much anytime we mentioned Rick (I live in PA, no really I do and I want my kids to have PA values) Santorum back when he was in the Senate.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the SUV was Ricky's old tricked out car.

Anonymous said...

Actually, John K., if conservatives like yourself were actual students of international affairs and global politics and not propagandists, you know that bin Laden's goals were to draw the US into an intractable conflict in the Middle East, drain our military and economic strength and distance the US from the global community, much in the same way as he accomplished with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

But you wouldn't know that, would you, because it's so much easier to fight terrorists with cheap slogans like, "Fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here"?

Anonymous said...

John K. says: Students? LOL LOL LOL
Oh, you know republicons like me don't think. We are too busy taking our orders from the whores at Fox News to do any thinking on our own.
Showing off as a 'smartie pants' is frowned upon by my boyfriends. LOL LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

John K. says: OK I admit it my boyfriends don't give a hoot if I'm stupid just as long as I'm good in bed. LOL LOL LOL LOL. Excuse me, but I must go I'm heading to the nearest mens room to play footsie and hopefully more with I hope, some important Republican. LOL LOL LOL LOL

Schultz said...

You know what I've found in my blog's visitor stats?

City of Pittsburgh employees - from 414 Grant Street, trolling my blog daily since as far back as early July when I started the blog.

I'm not trying to pat myself on the back or anything, because these individuals are coming to my blog from other Pittsburgh blogs, but I found it odd that one City owned IP address was on my blog for 61 minutes at one time, 21 minutes another time, and 8 minutes during another visit this past Friday.

Are our tax dollars paying for city employees to read blogs? Most likely high (over)paid employees in the mayor's office to boot.

[Custom data tracking] City of Pittsburgh
IP address: (ARIN / RIPE)
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Oper. System:
Web browser:

OrgName: City of Pittsburgh
Address: 414 Grant Street
Address: Suite 604
City: Pittsburgh
StateProv: PA
PostalCode: 15219
Country: US

NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-205-141-128-0-1
Parent: NET-205-0-0-0-0
NetType: Direct Assignment
RegDate: 1995-02-24
Updated: 2006-12-07

Recent visits from this user:
Oct 5 2007 4:06pm City of Pittsburgh [Pittsburgh, PA, USA] 7 actions 21m

Oct 5 2007 11:02am City of Pittsburgh [Pittsburgh, PA, USA] 17 actions 1h 1m burghreport.blo... [Visit referer]

Oct 5 2007 9:29am City of Pittsburgh [Pittsburgh, PA, USA] 7 actions 8m [Visit referer]

Maybe the burgh bloggers should join together and tally how much time city employees are spending reading the blogs each day? I am sure, based on average city employee compensation, that we could back into a dollar amount that taxpayers are spending each day for city employee blog surfing.

(sorry for the long comment!)

Anonymous said...

John K. says: My, my, my. Such venom and hatred. You folks must live puny lives mocking the GOP symbol in that manner. Your minds are clearly in the gutter. Or perhaps a bathroom stall in an airport. LOL LOL LOL Hypocrites. LMAO

Anonymous said...

John K. says: Bush has an enemies list and you are on it? LMAO man is that a good one. That is really funny. LMAO Bush has an enemies list with your names on it. LMAO I couldn't have come up with that stupid line.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodie, John K, you're still here. I was afraid you might have come to your senses and stop displaying your posterior while I was gracing the playgrounds of the Mediterranean.

Oh, you know republicons like me don't think. We are too busy taking our orders from the whores at Fox News to do any thinking on our own.
Maybe you have come to your senses a little bit.

Your minds are clearly in the gutter. Or perhaps a bathroom stall in an airport.
Really, really bad at this blogging thing, aren't you, John? Bragging about one of your fellow queer-trolling Republicans?

I forgot how much fun this is.

Anonymous said...

Schmuck, good to have you back. You missed the reference to a Democratic sheriff from some years past. It was classic.

By the way, did you know there's this guy named Jesse MacBeth? He's John K's new best friend... and the source of all evil in the world.

Anonymous said...

This counter is great. I just added it two days ago. It is amazing to know how people are getting to my blog and where they are from.

Looks like folks from within my own Housing Authority are looking & people from WTAE.

I love looking at these stats.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to be back Whigs. Thanks.

Had a great vacation, converted a lot of Italians to liberalism (:^}

Of course, thanks to Bush's policies, the dollar has become a third-world currency, so it was incredibly expensive. But since I'm a member of the liberal elite, money is no issue.