Democracy Has Prevailed.

October 11, 2007

Mayoral Race TV & Radio Ads

Mayor Luke Ravenstahl so far doesn't plan to run any.

Republican challenger Mark DeSantis has some in the can.

You can see a bit of a sneak preview of the DeSantis TV and radio ads in Jon Delano's KDKA 2 News report here (snippets) and read more analysis of the ads at Delano's blog here.

Jon Delano will be one of my guests tomorrow when I substitute host for Lynn Cullen on WPTT AM NewsTalk 1360 from nine to noon.

Hopefully, DeSantis will put his ads up on his YouTube page once they hit the airwaves.

1 comment:

Mark Rauterkus said...

My videos are on YouTube. Also see:

I've got a DeSantis video too. :)

Mark Rauterkus + Mark DeSantis = on one DVD = Marks of Persuasion = sustained discussion = votes by the thousands.

By the way, I won't be able to listen on Friday as I'll be wrangling with the Pgh Ethics Hearing Board at 10 am in city council chambers.

BTW, Jon Delano has had a copy of the DVD for a few weeks now. More will be made available tonight at the PUMP forum.