December 7, 2007

Olbermann Last Night

In case you missed it.

The transcript is here.

A Hightlight:

We have either a president who is too dishonest to restrain himself from invoking World War Three about Iran at least six weeks after he had to have known that the analogy would be fantastic, irresponsible hyperbole — or we have a president too transcendently stupid not to have asked — at what now appears to have been a series of opportunities to do so — whether the fairy tales he either created or was fed, were still even remotely plausible.

A pathological presidential liar, or an idiot-in-chief. It is the nightmare scenario of political science fiction: A critical juncture in our history and, contained in either answer, a president manifestly unfit to serve, and behind him in the vice presidency: an unapologetic war-monger who has long been seeing a world visible only to himself.

Nice choice: pathological liar or idiot-in-chief.


Anonymous said...

John K. says: Yes I did miss Olbermouth last night. Of course, with an audience of 180,000, most people in America also missed it. But then this is the guy who thinks the greatest threat to america is a conservative with access to a microphone.

Anonymous said...

Nice choice: pathological liar or idiot-in-chief.
Dayvoe, I'm really disappointed. If this is not one of the most egregious mistakes I have ever seen you and Mr. Olbermann make, it is a shockingly disingenuous statement.

There is no reason to consider Dubya either a pathological liar or idiot-in-chief. These two qualities are not mutually exclusive and Mr. Bush is manifestly both.

David said...

Mr. Shitrock;

Such words coming from anyone else would be graciously ignored. But coming from you, I'll have to say that I stand corrected.


C.H. said...

olbermann is a biased kook, in my opinion anyway. He has a mean, angry disposition and I don't like that.

Anonymous said...

John K. says: Remember lefties, Olbermouth wants to regulate the free speech of conservatives.

Anonymous said...

"olbermann is a biased kook, in my opinion anyway. He has a mean, angry disposition and I don't like that."

Aaaaaand if it were Limbaugh or Hannity tearing into a left-wing politician, they'd be honest men of integrity speaking truth to power.

Take yr. weak tea elsewhere.

- Shawn

Anonymous said...

John K. says: Anyone hear Olbermouth say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" or "Hannukah"? This guy so sick that he cannot even extend those gestures. Is there any hate or threat of violence in those messages? What is sicker is the 180,000 people in his audience who actually listen to his warped message.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, John. No LOLs? No LMAOs? No prayers for more dead GIs? Where's the passion for more dead Iraqi kids, John? You seem to be losing it. You're letting us down.

Anonymous said...

John K. says: Even the left wingers in here can't say Merry Chritmas. Too much of a religious theme? LOL Hey did you hear about the sex scandal involving Nancy Pelosi. Of course not, Olbermouth isn't going to report this. I'll report it then. It appears that the Page Dorm in DC is rampant with sex among underage pages. So much so that they had to expel a few. Yah, send them home, as in fire them. It also appears that the person in charge is an appointee of Pelosi. This guy was supposed to be running the place and he let this go on. Now I have to dash your hopes here because no Republicans are involved. How long till Olbermouth carries this story? LMAO I am the man with the facts.

Anonymous said...

John K, before you criticize people for not saying Merry Christmas, it might be a good idea to learn the proper spelling of Christmas. Repeat after me Johnny boy C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. Now put your dunce cap back on and go to the corner. That's a fact Jack.

Anonymous said...

Great job as usual by Keith.

Anonymous said...

You R's talk about how nuts Keith is.

Where are the arguments against what he said in this commentary?

Bush has been playing up the nukes in IRAN and they haven't existed for years. IRAN has stopped the pursuit of nukes but Bush and his administration missed the memo on it.

Anonymous said...

John K. says: So the solution to the problem is not to say Christmas but to act like a NAZI and correct someone's spelling? What a loon. I bet you raised your hand in class and said, "Teacher you forgot to give us our homework". LMAO what a spelling nazi. LOL LOL you are funny.