That was five years ago.
Look closely. Isn't it just a delicious coincidence that the photographer just happened to be the right place to put dubya's head in line with something curved? Gives our Commander-in-Chief a wonderful, well, halo, does it not?
Just a coincidence, I am sure.
To be sure, much has happened in five years. From CBS:
"Shifting explanations" I like that. They first lied about where the banner came from and then had to admit it that the White House staff did the deed. From Time:Five years after that speech, after the meaning of the phrase "mission accomplished" and when is a job truly "done" has been endlessly parsed, and after responsibility for creating and hanging the sign was first denied and later accepted, the White House said Wednesday that President Bush has paid a price for the banner, with its affirmative message becoming a target of mockery and a symbol of U.S. misjudgments and mistakes in the long and costly war - a war in which major combat operations are still being waged.
After shifting explanations, the White House eventually said the "Mission Accomplished" phrase referred to the carrier's crew completing their 10-month mission, not the military completing its mission in Iraq.
"President Bush is well aware that the banner should have been much more specific and said 'mission accomplished' for these sailors who are on this ship on their mission," White House press secretary Dana Perino said Wednesday. "And we have certainly paid a price for not being more specific on that banner. And I recognize that the media is going to play this up again tomorrow, as they do every single year."
But the real tragedy, of course, is what's happened since dubya declared "major combat operations in Iraq have ended."The perfect photo-op has flopped. Engineered by the most image-conscious White House in history, the carrier landing portrayed Bush as master and commander, an ideal bookend to his spontaneous performance with a bullhorn in the rubble of the World Trade Center after 9/11. Instead, the hothouse tableau already sharply at odds with the reality in Iraq did even more damage to White House credibility last week. Asked at a news conference whether the "Mission Accomplished" banner had been prematurely boastful, the president backed away from it, saying it had been put up by the sailors and airmen of the Lincoln to celebrate their homecoming after toppling Saddam's regime.
Not long afterwards, the White House had to amend its account. The soldiers hadn't put up the sign; the White House had done the hoisting. It had also produced the banner — contrary to what senior White House officials had said for months. In the end, the White House conceded on those details, but declared them mere quibbles. The point was, they said, that the whole thing had been done at the request of the crewmembers. Even that explanation didn't sit well with some long-time Bush aides. "They (the White House) put up banners at every event that look just like that and we're supposed to believe that at this one it was the Navy that requested one?" asked a senior administration official. Others remember staffers boasting about how the president had been specifically positioned during his speech so that the banner would be captured in footage of his speech.
There were 140 American casualties between the invasion in March and dubya's declaration on the 1st of May. There have been (as of this writing) 4,056 confirmed casualties so far.
By my count, that means that 3,956 American deaths since dubya stood, halo enhanced, on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln. As CBS continues:
Tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed (the true number may never be known, since the Iraqi government does not record tallies of the dead), and millions have been displaced from their homes. And there are currently more U.S. troops in Iraq than there were when the U.S. invaded with a contingent of other coalition forces.True to form, of course, was Dana Perino's complaint that the media would "play this up" as they do every year.
Hmm, let's see. A horrific blunder by an arrogant administration that leads to the deaths of thousands of American servicemen and women and the White House doesn't want any of the embarrassing stuff to be covered by the media.
John K. says: Bushus Maximus, conquerer of Afghanistan and Iraq, scourge of the liberals. If you do not understand the message of Mission Accomplished, which you don't, then you should stop commenting on military matters.
"A horrific blunder by an arrogant administration that leads to the deaths of thousands of American servicemen and women ...."
this is precisely why i support obama. he's the only candidate who's even touched upon the idea of bringing this administration to justice for crimes against the country.
I heard Dana Perino on the radio today, explaining how "Mission Accomplished" was meant to apply not to the entire war, but to the mission of those particular sailors on that particular carrier.
I hope, before long, Dana Perino has a breakdown like Scotty did before her. I already forget his last name, but he was the White House spokesman before Tony Snow who was constantly visibly agitated and nervous about the lies he had to tell. I imagine he got an ulcer or two and perhaps some psychological issues as a reward for his service.
I thought Tony Snow got a job at CNN as a reward for his 'service'.
I thought Tony Snow got a job at CNN as a reward for his 'service'.
Bad syntax from me. I was referring to Scott McClellan who was visibly agitated all the time.
Did Tony Snow actually get hired by CNN? If so, make that yet another reason to ignore CNN.
John K. says: LOL LOL LOL You are so ready to smear Tony Snow that the facts don't matter a bit. Now let's hear it lefties, you support the troops! Gen Betrayus and now mocking Mission Accomplished. Come on left wing kooks, tell us how mocking the troops supports them. I love it when you kooks spin. LMAO Tony Snow LMAO
bush doesn't equal troops.
mocking bush, but of course, you knew that.
you just like to type in caps. makes you sad little day, doesn't it?
John K.
Maybe you'd like to explain why John McCain has been employing an Hezbollah sympathizer in his campaign.
For the record, his name is Ali Jawad. Conservative writer Debbie Schlussel(sp?) asked the McCain camp why they were employing not only a sympathizer for Hezbollah but what she described as a key agent for Hezbollah in the Detroit area.
Jawad has now been fired by the McCain camp.
But why was he being employed in the first place? Doesn't McCain check the background on the people he hires?
Seems like some pretty bad judgement on Sen. McSame's part.
Hey John K.,
Afghanistan's such a resounding success...that's why the Taliban tried to kill Karzai in public last week. Things are so stable there.
But we'll comment, John, because we're tax payers.
And just to point, you usually don't say "mission accomplished" until you've actually accomplished the mission.
That assumes that either Tony Snow or Dana Perino have a well developed sense of right or wrong.
That's a hellacious leap.
- Shawn
John K. says: The US forces did accomplish the mission you loon. They were tasked with crushing the Iraqi Army and deposing Saddam Hussein ( a poster boy for good govt according to Rep Boniors and Jim McDermott). If you took time to read The Pentagon's New Map you might have a better understanding of what is going on. So let's hear it lefties, you support the troops by denying them a victory. Gen Betrayus anyone. LMAO
What a hatefilled piece of fascist crap is John K???
The members of the military overwelmingly want out of Iraq and will vote for a democrat in November.
You are obviously a member of the cowardly yellow republican ranks who talk a big game but will never serve your country.
So the mission was to crush the Iraqi army and depose Saddam Hussein. Fair enough and agreed, mission accomplished... wait, we are we still there? Did we leave something not finished? Hmm, maybe the mission plan should have included the rebuilding of Iraq (not yet accomplished despite the pro-business republicans being in power from 2003-2006 and getting all the money they asked for during that time - "footballs" of packages of money that would disappear). Maybe the mission plan should have considered the possibility of insurgency, instead of assuming we would be *greeted as liberators, end of story*. No one says the US military didn't run a hugely successful campaign during the combat phase of the Iraqi war, that the use of lightly armoured, highly manoeuverable units was not a great success. What many people have objected to is a) the fact there was not and still is no justification for invading Iraq, at least as compared to Darfur or Zimbabwe or any other dictatorship; b) that our political leaders (largely republicans, although Congress has be controlled, barely, by democrats for year or so now) have totally failed to rebuild Iraq, despite the input of millions of dollars and; c) that our military leaders at the highest level (mostly civilians or politician generals/admirals) refused to put in more troops to stop or later contain an insurgency. And yes, I know the irony in complaining about too few troops and then saying our military is too small to handle the effect of the occupation on our military. Never the less, the republicans have clearly bungled all the political aspects of this invasion and occupation. The only positive aspect of our involvement in Iraq has been the performance of our troops. And even that has been marred by the orders given to our troops to torture Iraqis and by our treatment of our wounded veterans.
John K. says: LOL LOL So you have some sort of data that says the military will vote Democrat in Nov? Of course not. I on the other hand do have data that supports my position. Enlistment and reenlistment for both the Army and Marines are well ahead of need. Well ahead!
Hey speaking of serving your country, when are you left wing cowards going to join Peace Corps or head for Darfur. Wooo did I play that trump card and make you look like a fool. LOL LOL LMAO Its too easy.
Did I say anything about the military voting democratic in the fall? How does that bear on how well Iraq has been rebuilt? And as for heading to Darfur or joining the Peace Corps, you first. Or are you the type who just tells other people what to do.
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