I only caught it today because I noticed a fivefold spike in our hits on Saturday and went looking.
I'm guessing that Blue Gal took the image from a screen capture of our header. The original graphic can be found at this post from back in December of 2005.
John K. says: In the liars section did they run the tape of Sen. Clinton stating how (she said this twice) that she got shot at by snipers in Bosnia? The facts about Obama and his Rezko connections? LOL LOL of course not. Democrats don't lie, they mispeak.
Crooks and Liars is a bunch of self-righteous hypocrites.
They complained about Townhall being a echo chamber requiring registration to comments and banning and deleting the comments of anyone who proves them wrong.
BTW, if Obama gets elected all insults progressives said about Bush are fair game.
Coke Addict.
Says Stupid things
"57 States"
Chimpy McBush
Racist Obama T-Shirts for sale: ‘Curious George’
Barack Obama has demonstrated again that he is completely unqualified to be the leader of this country.
In yet another shot at our efforts in Iraq, he actually suggested that more Arabic translators need to be deployed to Afghanistan, as opposed to Iraq.
Am I the only one who sees anything wrong with this? LOL
How can any of you expect this guy to succeed in that region when he knows nothing about the people who live there?
Am I the only one who sees anything wrong with this?
Any comment on the number of gaffes McCain has made regarding the Shi'ites and the Sunnis??
You're very welcome and thanks for the link to my little blog, too. It's a very good graphic. Thanks for that and keep up the good work. And some of your commenters are funny too.
Blue Gal, I once commented at Crooks and Liars until they banned me for calling out Amanda Marcotte.
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