June 23, 2008

Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits

George Carlin has passed away.

In his honor:

The text.


Anonymous said...

John K.: Gee and we wonder why Pittsburgh schools are known as drop out factories. Good thing this was posted on a liberal blog. If someone like Sen. McCain had even been alleged to have said one of those words why the left would be making comments to say he was being disgraceful towards women.

Anonymous said...

Two of the funniest people ever...Carlin and John K. It's a shame both of them died.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i loved carlin! he was one of the brightest.

Anonymous said...

John K, Dayvoe was using that as a tribute to Carlin; his "Seven words you can't say over the airwaves."

Classic album, "Class Clown."

Anonymous said...

John K: Right xranger, I get that. My point, as missed by Sherry, 4 of those words, if uttered by a conservative would be condenmed by the very lefties in this blog that praise Carlin. In fact, women's groups have held rallies demanding those words not be used. The fine print on their statements was, except if uttered by a liberal. IE McIntire or Carlin. And the left is so politically correct. Got you again hypocrites. LMAO

cathcatz said...

two of my faves from carlin, and i think at least one applies to our resident troll...

"killing for peace is like screwing for virginity"

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that"

Anonymous said...

I'll give you this John K. There are some stick-up-their-butts liberals who are intolerant of free-form let-it-ride comedy. I've performed for them recently, and they often grunt disapprovingly. But they still don't start unnecessary wars. So they're annoying, but not dangerous. Big difference. My tribute to Carlin at www.MacYapper.blogspot.com
Kudos to David for this posting

Anonymous said...

It takes all kinds. Carlin was a brilliant man who attempted to make rare connections among points, and thereby among people. We also have people who respond to everything, including a tribute to George Carlin, by reflexively spouting something about the liberal v. conservative divide (always ignoring, of course, the vast group in the middle, and usually ignoring the context).

I will miss George Carlin, a thoughtful, perceptive and courageous man who used base words in the service of higher thoughts.

Justin said...

John, you're kind of missing your own point. People have already pointed out that McCain called his wife a cunt, but people have pretty much looked at it as yet another example of his temper and let it be.

The difference between Carlin's routine and McCain's use of the word, however, is intent. Carlin's use in his routine poked fun at "decency" standards for over-the-air communication. (Yes, I feel the need to point that out to you, because you don't seem to get it.) McCain's use was to emotionally abuse his wife for wearing too much makeup of all things.

Intent, John.

Anonymous said...

Give it up, Justin. John thinks "intent" is where you sleep when camping out.

Justin said...

Oh, I know. Occasionally I lose my head and can't stop myself from posting. It's like a pressure release valve.

Anonymous said...

John K: McIntire goes from Carlin to blaming the Iraq war? Whew that is a weird. But normal liberal talk. Hey, its like I said, if McCain had used one of those words (like the C-word) the left would have opened a blog criticizing him. Oh wait, this blog already did that. LMAO What a bunch of hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

John K: Its always intent when the left is doing it. Spin away dude, you lose.

Anonymous said...

Justin: See?

Justin said...

Oy. He's like watching a dog try to catch his tail. Funny and futile all in one neat package.

Anonymous said...

Heh. So that's what John means by spin!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I could use any number of the "seven words" to describe the adolescent rantings of John K., but I just can't decide which one to use...

Piltdown Man

ps: Dave. I beg you to permanently IP block the little shit. Oops, that just slipped out....

Justin said...

I don't think you can do that. Disallowing anonymous commenting would be a start, but whatever. I assume there's a reason they haven't done that years ago.

Anonymous said...

Why would you want to block him? There is no real debate on this blog anymore. John provides the only fun we have around here.

David said...

There are three interconnected reasons why John K won't be blocked from commenting at this blog.

1) I don't know how to block someone.

2) And even if I did, I don't know John K's IP address.

3) And even if I knew how to block him AND I knew his IP address, blocking someone's comments would be an affront to free speech.

Unless John K threatens someone or does something else equally repugnant he won't be blocked.

As Mark Twain may have said: It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

why even try to debate with john k?

he makes no attempt to have a legitimate point.

it could be amusing except that the subjects are too important.

and,as justin mentioned, it is all about the intent.

Anonymous said...

I have not completely abandoned my notion that John K. might be a sock puppet of the moderator(s), designed to enliven a blog's comments section.

The banality seems too pronounced, in my book, to be anything but parody.

To those who believe this message might hurt the feelings of a real John K.: There aren't two chances in a thousand that he could define banal, so his feelings would be susceptible to injury solely if he goes looking for it.

Anonymous said...

John K: Its like I said. When someone disagrees with the left, they shut them down. I am never wrong! But back to the point, good thing a conservative did not use those words. Man could you see the outrage. That person might even have made Worst Person in the World. LMAO I also win.

Anonymous said...

I remember being about 11 and watching his HBO special from Carnegie Hall. He expanded his list from the original 7 to several hundred. For a bratty pre-pubescent kids it was quite a thrill.

First Pryor, now Carlin. And for stand-up we're left with the likes of rip-off artists like Mencia and bland tripe paraded before us on Last Comic Standing. You are missed gentlemen.

- Shawn

Anonymous said...

So, you folks don't understand the passion behind love. Calling somebody a cunt usually gets a response something like,"you dick-headed basterd, you cant call me that!" Usually followed by the greatest sex between the combatants.
Try a real relationship.

Anonymous said...

oops. shmuck will have to correct my spelling again. Is it Bastard? I really liked basTERD!

Anonymous said...

In the case of anonymous wingnuts, the correct spelling is bas-TURD.

EdHeath said...

Just to add to the mayhem ...

John K says that "When someone disagrees with the left, they shut them down." Except he is saying that, so I guess it's not true after all.
"I am never wrong!"
In this case...
And yet another conservative did use one of those words, Dick Cheney to Pat Leahy. I believe George Bush promised to bring civility back to the White House?

Anonymous said...

sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but that Obama seal sent shudders down my spine. It looked like "new Natioalism". Reminded me of film clips of the Hitler speeches. Don't put me down as a John K supporter. A lot of people felt this way. Not Repubs, or McKane supporters. Just people!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, wrong post, but you know where it should go.

Bob said...

I remember listening to a copy of Carlin's album with the seven dirty words when it came out.

George Carlin will be remembered, John K will be a pebble in a shoe.
Sucks to be you John K.