Democracy Has Prevailed.

July 13, 2008

Altmire/Hart Fundraising Numbers

The numbers have been released.

According to the Politicker:
After a disappointing first quarter where Hart raised $141k, she more than doubled her take in the 2nd quarter and has reported $300k raised over the last three months and finishes the quarter with $625k cash on hand.
Here's the FEC page with the details.

And here's the press release from the Altmire Campaign:
Jason Altmire has raised more than $2.1 million for his re-election to Congress Altmire raised 464,444 between April 3 and June 30 of this year and has $1.57 million in the bank.
And the FEC page with his details.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting links to the reports as well. Two things that stood out to me is that Congressman Jason Altmire has more contributions from individuals that Melissa Hart has for her entire campaign, and he has raised 2 1/2 time more than her overall.

Anonymous said...

John K: Look at this democrats taking money from evil corporations and in the back pockets of big business. LMAO LMAO Does Dean know about this. LMAO

Anonymous said...

I really wish that blogger would at least tag someone as anon 1, anon 2, anon, 3. The person that keeps saying John K is clearly a republican leaning troll. He or she does not say one positive thing about the democrats and never admits one negative thing about the republicans. Additionally, the person is not really aware of the facts or able/willing to address them.

Don't worry Anon Republican I am not going to attempt to debate you. I learned long ago that you can not debate with an idiot such as you for facts and rationalism escape you.

Anonymous said...

The simple fact is Altmire is and has been a better candidate than Hart. We had this election two years ago and the results won't change.

The republicans should have put up another candidate. Hart is becoming the Ralph Nader of the area. The perennial candidate that can not win.

cathcatz said...

anon 8:23, i agree with you. but john k at least signs his posts, even if he remains "anon".

Anonymous said...


I kept anon on my post as a simple protest. Nothing more.

Anonymous said...

I think it will be very hard for Hart to rake in the cash now. She is close to $1 Million behind in cash and the DCCC is putting up another 500K. Hart does not look like a good investment at this time.

Anonymous said...

John K: Come one here crowd. Address the issue. Altmire takes money from evil corporations that pollute the environment and rips off the public. Maybe even from Exxon. OH MY! But he is your boy, so we will overlook that fact and just not address it. LMAO See how easy it is to expose you hypocrites. LMAO

Anonymous said...

John K.,

Why do you automatically assume that anyone that supports Altmire is in the "move on" crowd. I support Altimire because he is a independent centrist.

As for your comment on campaign donations, the more telling scorecard to me is how Altmire votes compared to the opponent. Simply put, Altmire's voting record is a hell of a lot better than that of Hart.

From your comments, I imagine you are a card carrying right wing Santorum republican. If so, why could you not get a better candidate to run than Missy? She is a poor candidate and the fact she was put up again over Rob Francis is truly telling about the lack of depth and talent in the current Republican Party in Western PA.

Let's see, Rob Francis won't run, Hart is a piss poor candidate, so two years from now you will either attempt to sway Francis to reconsider, put up mary beth buchanan, who has never won an election, or get some other political novice to run.

Yeah, I am LMAO at you and your party.

Anonymous said... I guess saying you are for lower taxes, less government spending, and less government, but voting the other way every year in congress does not make Hart a hypocrite....

my oh my how definitions seem to change each year with the right

Anonymous said...

When you review the candidate's web sites, it is truly telling on who is in touch and out of touch with the voters.

The first five issues on Altmire's webpage are:

1. Supporting Our Veterans
2. Improving And Expanding Healthcare
3. Strengthening Our Local Economy
4. Assisting Our Local Small Businesses
5. Lowering Gas Prices and Sensible Energy Policy

Hart's web page has these issues:
1. Smarter Approach to Energy - she only references drilling off shore and in ANWR
2. Fighting for the Unborn
3. Keeping Our Families Safe and Secure
4. Standing Up for Sportsmen - only discusses the 2nd amendment and ignores the latest supreme court ruling
5. Reforming Earmarks

Yeah, it is clear to see who is truly in touch with the voters. One candidate is putting veterans, the economy, gas prices, healthcare, first and foremost. The other candidate is spending time on the second amendment, off shore drilling, and earmarks.

Anonymous said...

John K: LOL LOL LMAO at how dumb the anon person is who questionned Altmire's association with the crowd. Hello, his entire campaign in 2006 was funded and managed by Soros specifically targeted Hart by LMAO at how dumb you are. LOL

Anonymous said...

John K: No wonder a left wing kook has never won the White House. Hart was pillared by the left for voting lock step with Santorium in 2006. Now you try to rewrite the record. LOL. By the way left wing kooks, Altmire took the money, haven't heard anyone address why he took money from evil corporations and evil big business. Like I said, it really doesn't matter when it comes to left wingers. Its all about power and control of other people's lives.

EdHeath said...

Power and control like the oil companies (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell, BP) extert as they extract, refine and distribute oil at the "international" price of oil instead of at a figure that reflects their actual costs?

Power and control such as big agriculture which forces farmers (through their influence on farm legislation) to grow surplus corn and soybean crops (using petroleum based fertilizer; see big oil) and then forces corn and soybeans and their derivatives into almost everything we eat?

Power and control like that exerted by the financial markets that exploited the housing bubble by selling subprime mortgages without proper (or any) background checking and then bundled obviously bad loans in with good ones which ended up threatening to bring down the whole housing industry.

Sure big companies are starting to support democratic candidates. They supported the Republicans from 2000 to 2006, and what did it get them? Well, actually, they got phenomenal growth at the top of the income percentages and big oil is making money hand over fist. Bush wants to make sure they can make even more money by allowing them to drill more, although we won’t see any of that oil since there aren’t any new refineries; it will all go to China (any drop in the international price will likely be wiped out by the increase in Chinese/Indian demand). But now that people are getting tired of conservatives waving the terrorist bogeyman at them, and voting democratic. So industry wants to make sure they have some pull with the other guys.

I can see how Altmire is a left wing kook. Working on veterans’ issues, sponsoring legislation supporting Sportsman’s right to hunt on federal land, supporting legislation to crack down on illegal immigrants … man, what a liberal firebrand.

Anonymous said...


You are wasting your time on John K. You can not win a debate with an idiot and John K is a proven idiot by his comments. Seems he has been sucking down the Kool Aid of the republican party to much.

Simple fact is the eight years of GW have given our nation a lot of crap to clean up. Can anyone name one federal agency that the republicans have no screwed up? Can anyone name one positive thing Bush has done or managed?

As the continued push about accepting donations from large corporations, did Altmire ever pledge he would not? If so, please provide a link otherwise shut up.

Oh and one final note, it has been some time since I have been on this blog, but I do not recall ever hearing from the individual known as John K. From his push, the guy seems like a paid republican whore.

Anonymous said...

John K,

Do you know how to read? You wrote: "dumb the anon person is who questionned Altmire's association with the crowd"

What I wrote was:
"Why do you automatically assume that anyone that supports Altmire is in the "move on" crowd."

I never questioned Altmire's association with moveon or even addressed it for that matter in my comment.

What I did say was that your stereotype that anyone that supports Altmire must be from moveon or associated with moveon is absurd.

Seems you chose to selectively overlook the comment and in turn misinterpret it.

Word to the wise, in the future, you really should seek to understand/read a comment prior to commenting/attacking the person who wrote it.

LMAO at the idiot known as John K. No wonder the Republican party is falling apart.

Anonymous said...

John K: Still haven't addressed the issue. Altmire gets all this money from evil corporations and not a demand from the left for congressional investigations. When the left is losing in this dept the kooks demand that fairness be applied. What's up here. Altmire in the pocket of big business? My initial point is so valid, it really doesn't matter to the left, they want power and they want that power to control other people and they will sell themselves to do it. Altmire the sell out. I love this. It is so hypocritical of the left.

Anonymous said...

John K:  Odd that Ed Heath never sees a Republican protecting veterans rights.  Sen. Warner is huge in this.  So the fact that Altmire supports that is good.  But he is still a left winger. Altmire will still vote to raise taxes.  Altmire still had a loony idea for gas prices.  And yah, Altmire takes corporate money, he plays the corporate game.  Case closed.

Anonymous said...

John K;

Enough of this. What is your evidence that Altmire gets "all this money from evil corporations"?

Which "evil" corporations?
How much money?

You also wrote that "Hello, his entire campaign in 2006 was funded and managed by Soros specifically targeted Hart by"

Please list your evidence. What is your source? Show us the FEC pages backing up your assertions that Altmire's ENTIRE CAMPAIGN was funded by

Until you've done that everyone here is going to think you're just talking complete nonsense.

Either prove it to us or stop making empty allegations.


Anonymous said...

You can't take John K. too have to assume the mentality of a cat playing with a dead mouse, otherwise you'll just drive yourself bonkers trying to reason with someone who clearly lacks any.

Of course he doesn't have any sources to back up his "allegations" because he gets it from the likes of fringers like Limbaugh and Hannity; we're simply not dealing with someone that has a lot of education in their background or the ability to argue cogent points in a coherent fashion - typical loony winger.

Now, I actually have friends who are conservatives and Republicans and we are quite capable of having honest discussions without injecting hatred for one another.

So, have fun with John K. Don't take him too seriously. Like most idiots, he's mostly harmless.

Anonymous said...

Rep. Altmire's campaign was neither funded nor fueled to any substantial degree by (not that there is anything wrong with that). There was a small but energetic pocket of volunteers in Northern Allegheny County who worked for Rep. Altmire (some of whom, I believe, had supported Georgia Berner in the primary), but his primary support network consisted of traditional Democratic party sources. This is not entirely surprising, consequent to Rep. Altmire's centrist leanings and the original sense that Rep. Altmire's candidate was a long shot. Rep. Altmire's primary funding advantage against former Rep. Hart occurred just before the election, when the RNC abandoned its candidate and the Democratic Party (as distinguished from responded, as is customary, by buying some of the broadcast slots the Hart campaign was forced to cancel. By that time, of course, the race was over, which is why the RNC bailed.

I assume that John K. is lying on these points regarding the role of funding and effort in the Altmire campaign, but if he wants to assert that he merely had no clue about that he was attempting to discuss, I wouldn't quarrel.

Anonymous said...

John K: You left wingers mean to tell me you have no idea that in 2006 funded the campaign of Altmire? Hello again, I ain't that stupid. That is exactly what happened. As for the other funding let me LMAO. So the people in his congressional district forked over 2.1 million by sending in checks of $5 and $10 The anon person you outdid yourself in stupidity this time. I mean really outdid yourself. LMAO

Anonymous said...

John K: Hey Jaywillie, you probably talk to those Republicans who like to compromise and use bipartisanship to allow the Democrats to get their way. LMAO I am a conservative. You have no idea of how we think because you can't handle me. LOL To think the left wingers in here had no idea that in 2006 Altmire was funded by and Hart was targeted by Soros. LOL What denial.

Anonymous said...

I think the problem John K. is having is the conflation of a campaign with an independent group spending money to support the campaign, which, of course, Moveon has done in any number of competetive races.

I am glad that they helped get Democrats elected in '06 and I hope they spend more money and time to help elect more Democrats in '08(as I know they will).

Anonymous said...

Defeating conservative candidates is a patriotic endeavor for which should be congratulated.

Fewer conservatives in office=better country. That equation may change (but not before the final remnants of the Bush Jr. administration are discarded), but at the moment ousting Republicans is a patriot's duty.

Anonymous said...

And since John K offered NO EVIDENCE to support his position, I think we can all agree that:


Case closed.



Anonymous said...

John K: I am not paid to do the research. Go check the FEC report yourself. Its online. Oh yah you are a liberal. Excuse me.
In 2004 - 2005, H Dean was demanding congressional investigations and campaign finance reform because of the fund raising abilities of Republicans. Now that your boy, Altmire, has a noticeable lead in fund raising, the left is quiet. Hypocrites. But for those of you in denial, Altmire got it all from chinese workers in NY who make minimum wage. LOL LOL Hey, you bought that line when Hillary used it. LMAO How lazy can the left get?

Anonymous said...

No, John. YOU brought it up, the burden of proof is ON YOU to provide the research.


Until you do, we'll all know you're just spewing nonsense.

EdHeath said...

I don't mention Olympia Snow either. I try to stay on topic, commenting on the original post, or on other comments, not bringing in non sequitors. John Warner is not even in the House, and he has little to do with Pennsylvania. People who read this blog can vote for either Altmire or Hart (although not me). Why should I mention Warner?

Anonymous said...

My brother-in-law would strongly disagree with that characterization of himself as a conservative Republican, John K.

And I know precisely what conservatives think - that's why I'm not one.

Anonymous said...

"I am glad that they helped get Democrats elected in '06 and I hope they spend more money and time to help elect more Democrats in '08(as I know they will)."

Yeah, cuz '06 worked out soooo well. after all, we're pulling out of Iraq, civil rights are protected again, and Bush has be impeached, right? No? So remind me why the people should elect more Democrats. Tell me how they've made good use of their mandate.

Anonymous said...

Please, Eric...that's so lame, to pretend as if Democrats don't have to deal with a prick sitting in the White House...

The American people are going to elect more Democrats for one simple reason: They're not Republicans.

You'll have to do a little better than that, chum.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of chum Jaywillie that is exactly what constitutes your post.
Eric W made a great point and you wasted space by saying - nothing.
Where is the long diatribe justifying your perspective? You've lost your touch...blah

Anonymous said...

Do you remember how the Republicans used to complain about wanting an "up or down" vote on everything? I think Reid just backs off.

Anonymous said...

To John K,

I have been a Republican all my life. The party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Reagon always seemed to be align with my ideals. I agree with responsible taxes, responsible government services, limited bureaucracy, and states rights over federal rights.

What I witnessed at the hands of the current Republican party is obscene.

1. The federal government bureacracy has spiraled out of control.
2. The federal agencies are all bloated with more red tape and ineffective managers.
3. While some say taxes are low, the defecit is out of control. We are effectively taxing ourselves at future dates by borrowing today to spend like idiots.
4. As for states issues, we have pushed more unfunded mandates and encroached on various state issues.

The current Republican Party has nothing to do with the ideals it was based upon. As such, I will never vote for the party hacks that are running now.

If you call yourself a conservative, I ask you to review the record of the Republican Party. If you truly feel it is in line with the conservative viewpoints, you are not a conservative at all.

Anonymous said...

"Please, Eric...that's so lame, to pretend as if Democrats don't have to deal with a prick sitting in the White House..."

1) So the entire Democratic majority in the legislative branch is cowed by one man in the executive branch?
2) I'm glad the congress that impeached Nixon wasn't so spineless.

jimmy_the_freak said...

jaywillie said... "... And I know precisely what conservatives think - that's why I'm not one."

What an open minded person. Because no conservative ever had a good idea or could possibly be right on any issue. I guess this is what they mean when they say liberals are more open to ideas.

/end sarcasm

It is precisely people like this jaywillie that give liberals a bad name.