Democracy Has Prevailed.

July 8, 2008

New Barack "New Energy" Ad on PA TV

Here it is:



Anonymous said...

John K: Obama voted with the Democrats 97% of the time. Wrong on the 7 years. Just as it was wrong on the 10 years. Oil from new drilling can enter the market from as short as 8 months to 18 months. And as of now, not one alternative energy idea will lower the cost of gas, nor will they add oil to the supply within 10 years.
The ideas for alternative energy are ten years away.
So exactly what is Hussein Obama saying? He is saying don't drill because it will take 7 years but use alternative energy that will take 10 years. Is Hussein Obama sane?
Put Maxine Waters in charge and see how much oil is produced.LOL LOL LOL LMAO Maxine Waters LOL

Anonymous said...

Well, at least Obama cites sources to back up his information whereas we are simply expected, in all his vain glory, to swallow - no - choke down the words of John K.

Again, we're expected to trust the party of Big Oil! They clearly have the people's interest at heart and not their profit margins.

Actually, many of the ideas for alternative energey are in the here and now. I suppose if we poured as much money into developing them as we have in bailing out crooked corporations and Big Oil we'd be much closer to realizing their full potential.

What a small mind, too, to resort to desperate tricks by using Obama's middle name! How patently pathetic!

At the end of the day, all they have to offer is fear. All they can do is try to scare's not going to work this year.

Anonymous said...

You know, they've used Hussein so much at this point it has become meaningless. Good job John K. and others. There is no longer any visceral reaction. You guys have mainstreamed it.

Anonymous said...

What's up with the new McCain Bio ad where he's going after the "Summer of Love?"

Does he know what year it is? Maybe in the next one he can reference the "Red Menace" and the Kaiser.

It's just another indication that the Republican Party is the party of the past.

Anonymous said...

While this ad hints at the problem, I wish they'd simply said; McCain has been in Congress for 26 years - plenty of time for him to have offered his own energy solutions. Maybe if he and the GOP had, we wouldn't be in this mess today! So why is he all of a sudden so interested in "solutions?" Could it be that there's an election coming?

OK. They pretty much said that. At the end of the day, though, Obama's "plan" doesn't sound very exciting. I know they Campaign is being careful not to take any missteps, but this is a rather middle of the road effort...


Anonymous said...

John K: Do have sources jaywillie. But you only talk to liberals which is why you are not aware of what the actual oil producers to include Pickens has said. Oh yah Cramer used the line first to shut up Barnicle. Barnicle of course had no response. Get of your hole jaywilie. LOL