July 16, 2008

One Million Hits

Sincere thanks to all who have passed this way.


Burgher Jon said...

Congratulations Guys!!! Thank you for putting up content worth hitting a million times.

cathcatz said...

very cool indeed!

although, i thought for a minute that this was going to be in reference to the terrorist watch list hitting 1 million names!!


Anonymous said...

John K: Glad to do my part. You guys should be paying me for all the hits I bring in here. LMAO

Anonymous said...

John K: Glad to do my part. You guys should be paying me for all the hits I bring in here. LMAO
Quoted for truth! heh

Bram Reichbaum said...

Wow, epic. Congrats.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hooray!!! : )

David said...

Me, too!

Thanks, guys!


Anonymous said...

Congrats, 2PJ!

Bernie O'Hare said...

That's phenomenal! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! By my estimate, it'll be another 20 years before my blog gets there! Four years is a pretty quick time to do that. Good job!

Anonymous said...

totally deserved. this site is a daily must visit for anyone who wants their politics - local and national - with just the right touch of snarkiness. keep it up.