Democracy Has Prevailed.

August 9, 2008

Need bodies now!!!!

Please, if there's any chance that you can get to Room 307 RIGHT NOW at the Convention Center, there will be a 1:00 PM discussion of voter verified paper ballots at the Democratic Party's platform committee.

I know it's short notice, but they could sure use some more warm bodies there!

David Lawrence Pittsburgh Convention Center
1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd.
Room 307
Pittsburgh, PA 15222


John K. said...

John K: Now why would the left want a voter verified paper ballot? Do they want to know how everyone voted? Do they want union thugs checking the ballot of every voter? Do they want to know how you voted so they can apply economic pressure, as they are wont to do, to ensure you vote the right way? This is curious.
Nothing like leaving a polling place and having a thug check your ballot to ensure you voted correctly eh Democrats.
Edwards for Attorney General to enforce this!

Anonymous said...

What's the fucking point, John?

You'll seem like less of an idiot if you picked your battles better instead of taking every chance to show the world just how far your head's wedged up your ass.

But just to clarify for you, since it's clear you're not interested in discussing issues but rather in being a nuisance, voter verified paper ballots are so that voters can be sure that they voted for the candidate they wanted.

This is one of those issues, you dumb fuck, that crosses party lines and effects all of is. But you can't have a serious conversation without marching orders from Limbaugh and Hannity, so it's no wonder you can't participate in a discussion in a civilized fashion.

You're a waste of fucking space.