September 1, 2008

New Jason Altmire Ad

Must be a large ad buy. I've seen it TWICE already this morning.


John K. said...

John K: CNN poll, that I got while listening to the new WPTT (WMNY) shows Hussein Obama a got a one point bump in the polls. This poll was taken sunday. LOL LOL I told you. I am always right. LMAO 1 point. LOL You Democrats wasted your money.

David said...


From the same poll that John K sites:

50% of those polled say that Sarah Palin is NOT qualified to be president.

Good going, John! McCain tosses out the "experience" argument in favor of someone who can't help him in November. What brains! You wingnuts are wasting your time with McCain and his beauty queen.


I win again!

John K. said...

John K: Uh first Palin is running for VP not President. Two 50% plus me say Palin is qualified to be President. Majority carries it! Just because you are a liberal and think the glass is half full does not make it half full. But to claim a poll that says 50% is against is about as stupid as it gets. You ain't talking to Jaywillie here LOL LOL. 50% against, 50% plus me for. I WIN!

John K. said...

John K: So what happened to that canvention bounce you and Olbermouth said Hussein Obama got LMAO LMAO wipped out in one afternoon. LOL LOL 50% against. LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

Missy Hart is perhaps the worst campaigner that I've ever seen at the Congressional level. In 2006, she didn't even seem to realize that she was in trouble, until late October. It was pathetic watching her suddenly out there, shaking hands in McDonalds. She was clearly uncomfortable having to press the flesh with the "littles."

Nice to see Altmire will comfortably hold PA-4 for us.

John K. said...

John K: Yep, Altmire voted to fully fund the war. He is the man! Altmire voted for FISA, go my man! Another way to look at a Palin poll. If I was a liberal I would say 20% of the people in Alaska do not like Palin hence she is not qualified to be President. LOL And whoever used the 50% of the American people think Palin is not qualified to be President, 50% think she is but only 45% of the people think Obama is qualified to be President. Open liberal mouth, insert liberal foot, proceed to chow down. LMAO LMAO see how easy it is.

Infinonymous said...

No need to worry about Rep. Altmire. Or the House.

A bigger issue is getting to 60 in the Senate.

But the biggest issue is the presidential race. It is the only one where the Republicans have a chance, so they are devoting all of their resources to it. Sen. Obama is likely to win, but why take a chance? Please visit one of the campaign offices and contribute your time, your effort, your contacts, your cash, your front yard, your enthusiasm.

Tell them John sent you.

Anonymous said...

Um, no, John. I'm afraid you're making yourself look like an ass.

First, just because a poll says that 50% don't think Palin is ready to be president means 50% think she is. Um, perhaps you've never noticed that most polls usually have a "no opinion" type of option for response?

Second, let's look at what some other polling shows, John.

Gallup Daily
Fri - O49 M41
Sat - O49 M41
Sun - O48 M42
Mon - O49 M43

What do voters think about McCain picking Palin? From the CNN poll John K. mentions:

"John McCain chose Sarah Palin because he thought having a woman on the ticket would help him get elected."

Agree Disagree
%75 %25

Which VP is better qualified to step in and become President?

Biden 54% Palin 41%

And of the last 28 polls taken, John McCain leads ONLY 3 times, Obama leads 24 times and they are tied only once.

Again, in 28 polls taken since 7/9, Obama LEADS in 24, McCain is ahead ONLY in 3 and there is one tie.

Here's a question for you, John.

McCain has said that Palin has a career as a reformer and that she took on corruption in her own party. Yet Palin was not only endorsed by Ted Stevens but ran the corrput senator's 527. And she originally supported the "Bridge to Nowhere." And when she decided not to, instead of returning the money to voters, she spent it on another project.

It's also been revealed that as mayor of Wasilla she fought fiercely FOR earmarks for the city. And that due to the mayor's office mishandling of a land transaction, the city is still paying for Palin's mistakes.

None of this jives with McCain's campaign rhetoric.

Since McCain has decided to adopt the Change Theme, John, I'd like you to explain to every one how Palin's experience is change we can believe in and not just more of the same?

John K. said...

John K: And less than 50% say Obama is ready to be President. 50% say Palin is ready to be President. 80% home state approval. You left wing kooks got nothing. Nothing! Not even a bounce from the convention. Squat!

John K. said...

John K: Big deal. Biden and Obama fought for earmarks for their districts. As did Murtha, the king of defene pork. Now Biden and Obama are DC insiders. Biden for a longer period than McCain. Palin has no DC experience. Talk about change. She ain't tied to any one that stuff. Think I am wrong, just aks the ABC reporter you folks had arrested for filming corporate fat cats attending an Obama function in Denver.

John K. said...

John K: Finally, give up. You can't beat me. Even Altmire supports my positions.

Anonymous said...

Palin is connected to Ted Stevens, she ran his 527. Palin's campaign for governor took money from a group associated with Abramoff. Palin originally supported the "Bridge to Nowhere" and when she flip-flopped, she used the money for another project. She is currently involved in an ethics investigation as governor. She used her office as mayor of Wasilla to fire city employees for personal reasons.(btw Alaska's newspapers would disagree with this notion that she has 80% support - last poll it was 67% and sinking fast because it had been learned that she had knowingly provided false statements - that's why she'll be giving a deposition under oath in a few weeks).

John McCain also accepts earmarks. He employs lobbysists with connections to Abramoff. Ted Stevens is a good friend of his. John McCain was involved in unethical behavior, using his power as a Senator to do favors for Charles Keating.

On the domestic issues, both John McCain and Sarah Palin are prisoners to the extreme rightwing, out-of-touch with mainstream American values.

On foreign policy, well, we don't know where Palin stands. As of a year ago, her press secretary stated that, officially, she had NO POSITION ON THE IRAQ WAR. That's pretty astounding.

Considering her complete lack of experience in national politics and foreign policy, it's a safe bet she will simply tow the failed Bush/McCain policies.

Two peas. Same pod. More of the same.

And, John K., could you have made it any more obvious that you didn't read a single thing I said in my earlier comments? Again, you're just making yourself look like an ass.

John K. said...

John K: Breaking News---VP Cheney will not speak at the GOP convention tonight. He is huddled with Blackwater operatives figuring out how to blow the levees in New Orleans. After all he doesn't care about black people. LOL LOL LMAO This one was good. LOL

John K. said...

John K: Don't worry Jaywillie, not only do I ignore most of what you write but so do a lot of other people. But keep posting, keeps you off the streets.

Anonymous said...

John K.

I'll see your CNN poll and raise you a CBS poll:

Obama/Biden: 48
McCain/Palin: 40

Why do you make it so easy, John?

And you apparently do pay attention to what I write, because you bothered to respond to it. just can't help making yourself look like an ass, can you?

Anonymous said...

And I'll raise you one more poll, John K.:

USA Today(taken Sat-Sun)
Obama/Biden: 50%
McCain/Palin: 43%

Who is the strong and decisive leader?
McCain: 44%
Obama: 46%

McCain lost an 8-pt advantage in this category.

Poll also shows that more voters think Obama shares their values and is "honest and trustworthy" than McCain.

Up yours, John K.

John K. said...

John K: Face it Jaywillie, I own you. You can't win. Jaywillie try polling likely voters not anyone who happens to walk by on the street.

Anonymous said...

There you go, John...proving what a miserable little creep you are.

Instead of countering the arguments, you resort to petty, childish insults.

That's so typical of you, John.

Just like a conservative...bury your head in the sand and ignore the facts.

No wonder you folks are gonna get your asses kicked again this November...enjoy it, John.

John K. said...

John K: Rasmussen polls likely voters. Gallup and CNN poll registered voters. Rasmussen also polls a larger amount of folks. Obama is up by 3% when he should be up by 10%. USA Today polls everyone, legal or illegal, that will answer a phone. Enough said.

David said...


From USAToday:

In the head-to-head race, Obama leads 50%-43% among registered voters.



Mike McNally said...

Jason Altmire is doing all the right things, and for the right reasons. Jason Altmire and the Democrats care about the soldiers, while Melissa Hart and George Bush appear to be more interested in using war as a money-maker for their cronies at Blackwater and Halliburton. Isn't it appalling that the contractors and management of those companies are making billions while the Republicans can't afford to pay for veterans' healthcare and they resort to extorting our fighting men and women with deceptive practices like Stop-Loss instead of paying people what they ought to earn.

My only regret is that despite Congressman Altmire's large ad buy, there simply isn't enough time to point out all the fundamental issues on which Melissa Hart and George Bush's version of wild spending conservativism has been proven to be a catastrophic failure, but I'll try.

1. a mind-boggling deficit that is crushing our economy and making it impossible for our government to pay for important things like healthcare, social security, and education

2. a corporate America drowning in destructive corruption and unethical behavior leading to huge tax-payer funded bailouts while average people lose their homes by the tens of millions

3. an insane energy policy that fails to recognize that fossil fuels will run out, but before they do the economics that depends on these fossil fuels will support terrorists for generations while costing American jobs and quality of life

4. trade policies that completely ignore slave wages and human rights abuses by other nations and levels the global playing field by lowering American wages and standards of living until we are competitive with China or Taiwan, instead of vice versa.

Congressman Altmire is a realist, and not beholden to special interests. He is for drilling, but also recognizes that the oil-dominated economy will end, and end badly for the U.S. unless we diversify. Congressman Altmire will cut spending, not just cut taxes and let our kids and grandkids pay for it.

Make no mistake. No matter what Melissa Hart says now, she did nothing to address energy problems when she was in office and was a main contributor to the economic policies that are killing us right now.

Altmire is the right man at the right time.