September 18, 2008

Oh snap!

"Yesterday, John McCain actually said that if he’s president that he’ll take on, and I quote, ‘the old boys network in Washington.’ Now I’m not making this up. This is somebody who’s been in Congress for twenty-six years, who put seven of the most powerful Washington lobbyists in charge of his campaign. And now he tells us that he’s the one who’s gonna’ to take on the old boys network. The old boys network? In the McCain campaign that’s called a staff meeting. Come, on!"

(Text courtesy of Crooks and Liars.)


John K. said...

John K: Biden has been in congress longer.

Anonymous said...

Biden has been in the minority in the Senate for most of his years there. McCain, on the other hand, has been part of the majority, and, with it, the status quo.

(Not that he actually seems to know what it is that his committee does, of course.)

cathcatz said...

biden is not running for president!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Biden also didn't vote for the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 which deregulated banking, insurance and investment banks and is largely responsible for the current financial crisis we're in.

John McCain did.

John K. said...

John K: Biden has been in congress but that does not matter because he has been in the minority. LOL LOL LOL Not all those years you lunatic. LMAO Whoever posted that is as warped as it gets.

John K. said...

John K: Except the current financial crisis was caused by Franklin Raines, (Economic advisor to Hussein Obama) and the Community Revitilization Act of both Carter and Clinton. Try again.

David said...

Guess again, John. ABC quoted Raines himself:
I am not an advisor to Barack Obama, nor have I provided his campaign with advice on housing or economic matters

John K didn't do his homework. AGAIN.
John K looks like a mindless wingnut.AGAIN
I win!


John K. said...

John K: Guess again. Washington Post July 16th 2008 insists that Franklin Raines is an economical advisor to Hussein Obama. Now if I were Hussein Obama I would also like to creat the impression I was not involved with Raines. After all, Fannie Mae gave money to the poltical campaign of Obama and was directly responsible for the mortgage mess. LMAO

John K. said...

John K: And isn't Biden one of those old white guys in the Congress that Hussein Obama likes to rail against? Or do you defend Biden by saying he is in the minority of something. LOL LOL LOL Old white guys LMAO

John K. said...

John K: Run Obama, run as fast as you can. Your past is catching up with you.

Anonymous said...


My comment was: "Biden has been in the minority in the Senate for most of his years there."

Your witty reply: " Biden has been in congress but that does not matter because he has been in the minority. LOL LOL LOL Not all those years you lunatic. LMAO Whoever posted that is as warped as it gets."

You've never had a date, have you? (Taking your mom to the prom doesn't count.)