October 7, 2008

Debate Thread

...Just in case anyone feels the need to say something.



David said...


So far no attacks.

Or have I missed something?

David said...


Ok - first attack. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are to blame for Wall Street's meltdown.

Fannie and Freddie are the Dems best friend.

Thus spake McCain

Clyde Wynant said...

McCain can't remember the question and has to write them down? Then his answer is this rambling bunch of nothing? From where I sit that's "game over."


Anonymous said...

Obama nudged out McCain tonight. McCain did not do enough to break through.

Bram Reichbaum said...

How many times did John McCain assure us explicitly tonight that "I know what to do," "I know how to do this," and "It's not that hard"?

I guess we should give him credit for not resorting to the "M" word once tonight, but I don't think it's very effective to repeat explicitly that "I know what to do", all while dancing pretty far around what it is you'll do, besides limit spending.

I mean, it's easy to criticize "spending", but I think people are understanding that we need to invest in *some* things that will pay dividends down the road. It sounds like McCain doesn't have anything up his sleeve besides starving the beast, which sounds swell in good times but we kind of need our government to, um, do some stuff.

But more simply. Don't tell me you know what to do ... show me you know how to do more than trash the other guy's ideas.

Ol' Froth said...

Pretty damn dull. McCain needed a homerun, and all he hit were weak grounders. Obama wins simply by not drooling on himself in light of recent poll movement, given McSame's pathetic performance.

Anonymous said...

If John McCain knows how to catch bin Laden, shouldn't he tell someone? Or do it?

Maria said...

Going into the debate I knew McCain would claim once again that he knows how to catch bin Laden and I was kinda hoping just once that Obama would call him on that. Something like, "John, if you do know how to catch bin Laden aren't you obligated to tell President Bush?"

I think that would have pushed McCain over the edge.

EdHeath said...

Wasn't one of the questions exactly how would you do something, and neither candidate went into speficis, although Obama got closer.