October 11, 2008

McCain's Not The Only One

Recently the formerly honorable Senator from Arizona was booed at his own rally for defending Senator Barack Obama.

Reports out of Philadelpha say that Governor Palin was booed at a Philadelphia Flyers hockey game today.

Give a listen:


Richmond K. Turner said...
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Richmond K. Turner said...

David, they booed Santa Claus over here on the hard-knuckeled side of the state. And they're proud of it! The booing of Santa Claus is one of those rare events where just about everyone you meet swears that they were in the stands that day, or at least had "this buddy of mine" there to participate in the booing personally.

From the letters to the editor in the Inky, I'd say that the booing isn't necessary anti-Palin or anti-Republican, but rather irritation at injecting politics into a sacred event such as a hockey game.

I guarantee you that at least once in the next week, somebody I work with will proudly tell me that they were on hand to boo not just Sarah Palin, but Palin's kids as well. This will be an event that Philadelphians will be bragging about for years to come.

I want to come home!

Anonymous said...

Those people would boo their own Mothers.

Anonymous said...

While the temperment of Philly fans is well known, I imagine this reaction is for a couple of reasons.

I agree with Richmond that they probably didn't appreciate having politics injected into a hockey game.

But it is Philadelphia, which is overwhelmingly Democratic, so I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of those fans were not fans of Palin.

I'd say it's a bit of both, but mostly the unnecessary injection of politics into the game.

I am not surprised this happened but I am surprised that the McCain campaign didn't foresee this and seems to have unwittingly sent their VP pick into very unfriendly territory that will produce some very unfavorable video.

It simply does not look good to get booed by that many people. And I'm afraid that Palin's honeymoon with the voters has passed, so I can't see them spinning this in to much sympathy for her - she's not exactly a well-respected figure now.

Voters seem to have decidedpretty strongly that they don't like Sarah Palin, they don't feel she's qualified and that the pick has led to serious questioning of McCain's judgement.

David said...

Come home, Admiral!

We miss you!

Bram Reichbaum said...

Here's the real issue. The New York Ranger got a peck on the cheek by Gov. Palin from the very outset. The Philadelphia Flyer had to angle and position hiimself until the very end until he got his peck on the cheek. What was THAT all about?

Anonymous said...

I think what Pennsylvanians, Hell, all Americans, wanna know is who do the Hanson Brothers support?

Anonymous said...

Scott Gomez of the Rangers is Alaskan, so she may have already known him.

The Hanson brothers probably would have liked her. She would have no problem with them putting on the foil.

Did you see the "Hockey Mom's for truth video?

John K. said...

John K: Don't feel left out lefties, Hussein Obama gets booed also. But that is only shown on FOX news or broadcast on Limbaugh and Hannity. Gee, I wonder why. LOL LOL LOL

Clyde Wynant said...

What I wouldn't have given for just one really good hip check. I mean, she's a "hockey mom" isn't she? Shouldn't she be able to take it?


ps: Not that you haven't noticed, but isn't it perverse that this WOMAN desires to be known as a "hockey mom?" Doesn't she realize that the women's rights movement allowed her to get to the place she's now at? Sheesh!