October 9, 2008

Meet and Greet


Recently Maria blogged on the Sarah Palin visit to our fair city (and the necessary protest that should follow).

My guess is that after an afternoon protesting the most unqualified Vice-Presidential candidate in recent memory (and that INCLUDES Dan Quayle) you might want a beer to wash down all that democracy.

You're in luck. There's an Obama event that evening! Why not saunter over to Finegan's Wake on the Northside for a meet and greet with Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, former Lt Governor of Maryland?

The details - all in one place:

Friday, October 10th
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
Meet and Greet in support of Barack Obama
7:00pm - 8:30pm

UPDATE: Spelling corrected - THANKS, Admiral!


Richmond K. Turner said...

As an ex-Marylander, I'm pretty sure that it's "Kathleen Kennedy Townsend", and not "Kathleen Townsend Kennedy". Her maiden name is Kennedy.

David said...



Conservative Mountaineer said...

Uuuhh, sorry... the most unqualified VP Candidate would have been James Stockdale ("Who am I and why am I here?")... of Ross Perot's (you know, the little hand-gernade with the big ears and the bad haircut) little adventure in 1992.

Nice try. Thanks for playing.

David said...

Hmmm. Let's see. Admiral Stockdale was one of the most highly decorated officers in the history of the Navy. Medal of Honor winner along with four (FOUR) Silver Stars.

Oh, yea. He was also president of the Naval War College.

Governor Palin was...a member of the PTA and then City Council and then Mayor and then Governor.

Along the way she learned nothing about the Constitution or current events.

So yea, I'd say she was the most unqualified VP candidate in recent memory.

Nice try, though.

Well, maybe not.

Anonymous said...

Admiral Stockdale served his country with honor. He is an intelligent man.

Sarah Palin is the most disgusting personality to emerge in modern American politics.

That a campaign would incite and exploit racism and hatred in a last, desperate attempt to win is utterly shameless.

That Sarah Palin had nothing to say when a supporter shouted out to "kill" Obama tells it all.

Were Palin/McCain to win, would they represent the entire country or just the angry mob they are inciting?

As David Gergen noted again tonight on CNN(and Gergen is a Republican), it is very frightening to hear the anger being displayed at McCain/Palin rallies and that he truly fears this is leading to violence.

What will our winger friends have to say for themselves if something happens?

You call yourselves Christians but Jesus wouldn't recognize you. Jesus wouldn't have anything to do with you. He would point at you and say, "There's the problem with this world. Hatred. Anger. Fear."

Personally, I think the wingers are stooping so low - revealing themselves as the 2nd rate jack-booted racists that many of them appear to be(at least from seeing video of their rallies) - because they realize they aren't going to win.

They realize that America is rejecting them entirely.

Anonymous said...

Since "socialist" is the new conservative buzzword, I'm wondering what our wingers think about John McCain's new socialist plan to buy everyone's defaulted mortgage? ( personally, I would describe it as socialist; his plan is really just a bad idea and nothing more)

But, still, their candidate is proposing an enormous new Federal expenditure.

He also signed off on the Rescue Plan, which gave the Treasury the power to nationalize our banks.

No offense, but these angry rightwing lunatics at McCain/Palin rallies sound just a bit hypocritical - and really, really angry. Like unstable angry.

Which begs the question, KGC, just which factions of this country are going to turn violent if Obama wins?

It seems to me it's the people at these McCain/Palin rallies, which is a shame, because the lunatics supporting that ticket aren't the Republican Party I used to belong to, or the party I grew up around, or the party of Ronald Reagan or Barry Goldwater or William F. Buckley.

And can I aslo just add how grateful we should all be to have had a President like FDR, who had the foresight to protect the American people by creating things like the FDIC and bank insurance?

Thank God for FDR - because his ideas from 60 years ago, which the rightwing has spent the last 40 years trying to destroy, have certainly prevented the current financial crisis from being a whole lot worse(as bad as it is).

Could you imagine if Republicans like Phil Gramm and deregulators like John McCain, with the help of some very irresponsible Democrats, had rolled back even more of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933?

The mere possibility that Gramm could be Treasury Secretary during a McCain Administration should send shiversdown every decent American's spine.

I can't even imagine how much worse this crisis would be under the erratic leadership of John McCain and Phil Gramm - which it most surely would be.

Look at KGC and John K. - they openly admit that the fiscal and fiduciary policies of this country should favor a small fraction of the population. The party that they belong to, the party I so rightly left, has been engaging in the most insiduous form of class warfare since the Gilded Age, by conning Middle Class Americans into sacrificing their economic interests for cheap, social wedge issues that the Republicans NEVER address.

Of course, Republicans can NEVER do much about abortion or homosexuality. Why? Because their exploitation of social wedge issues was key to their electoral strategy.

If they ever succeeded in eliminating abortions, what would they run on? Of course, the keen observer should quickly note that Republicans could run on maintaining that success - which doesn't answer the question at all, but deepens the mystery as to why Republicans, when they controlled all three branches of government, didn't pass any legislation to either significanlty reduce abortions or outlaw them.

Actually, it's not mysterious at all - pro-life voters, anti-gay marriage voters, all social values voters have been duped. Republicans, when they have acted, have approached these issues tepidly once in office.

That's astonishing, considering how frequently conservatives tell us that these issues must be addressed or else the country will fail - and yet their party never makes any serious effort to resolve them in the ways promised to their constituencies, which in and of itself is revealing - at least we know that, just like their supporters, Republican leaders are all talk. And when they do act, it's the wrong action.

John K. said...

John K: Dayvoe, you are trashing Adm Stockdale. Man are you sick.

John K. said...

John K: Gee, No mentioned Edwards. LMAO He of the that ain't my kid fame. LMAO

cathcatz said...

so, is anyone going?

i'll be outside of the convention center with some of my friends from work.

my sign says:

pro woman
pro family
pro choice
anti palin