Democracy Has Prevailed.

November 3, 2008


Seems that more than a few loyal republicans ain't too happy right now. Dubya, though, is closer to his usual upbeat self.

However, from the Washington Post:
Others inside and outside the administration, however, say the upbeat talk masks disappointment and frustration among many White House staffers, who believe Bush's reputation has been unfairly maligned for a series of calamities -- from the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to the financial crisis -- that were beyond his control and that he handled well. GOP nominee John McCain's escalating attacks on Bush's tenure have added to the irritation, these people said.

"Everybody kind of wanted to spend the last 100-plus days doing some legacy things, and the financial crisis has thrown a wrench into that," said one prominent Republican who regularly talks with senior White House officials.

"You have a combination of no legacy stuff, a horrible economic mess and the likelihood that Obama is going to win," this person added. "There is a real sadness there."

9/11 beyond his control? I guess they forgot about that PDB from early August 2001. But I digress - the point here is that even the White House staff is talking about the likelihood of an Obama win.

Ouch - for McCain and his supporters that's gotta sting.


John K. said...

John K: If McCain wins you lefties will do things: 1. Whine that the election was stolen. 2. Demand impeachment right now. If Obama wins it will be funny watching you left wingers whine. He ain't pulling out of Iraq. Instead he will take credit for the war as if the Democrats were behind it all along. And he will raise taxes on everyone. As well as apply the fairness doctrine to you as well as me. And it will be so much fun to watch. LMAO

EdHeath said...

You are probably right about your first point, John K, Democrats would claim the election was stolen. You second point is just stupid. Instead Democratic Congresspersons would just settle in to do nothing for four years. Well, they would negotiate with their Republican counterparts to pass spending bills laden with earmarks in veto proof majorities. Otherwise Congress would do nothing (except individual Congressmen would campaign on how they are trying to do something).

I suspect the Iraqis are going to give Obama political cover for pulling out of Iraq in the sense they are going to ask us to leave.

Obama would have to get Congress to agree to raise taxes on everyone. Congress will find it hard enough to raise taxes on the rich (some of their best donors).

As for the fairness doctrine, I hardly care. I don't listen to talk radio, and as far as I know it is not applied to newspapers. Even if it is, I don't care. If it is fun for you to watch, that's great.

Have you read that law review article yet?

John K. said...

John K: Have to add a third thing. If McCain wins the left is now threatening to riot. Don't yah just love that lefty mob mentality. You guys are electing a thug and he is going to backfire on you.

Bob said...

"I digress" lol. Now use prevaricating in a sentence.

Bob said...

John K. Do you really believe the US will elect Obama? I'm voting for him, but I don't think he's going to win.

Anonymous said..., the White House is "sad" because the financial crisis through a wrench into their "legacy" plans?

No wonder the Republican party is going down hard.

Here's the deal, wingers - it's called GOVERNING! It's called putting your personal agenda aside and leading the country.

All this is is further confirmation that the Republican Party looks out for itself first and that when something happens to the country, it's more a nuisance to them, unless, of course, they can play it to some political advantage or use it as an excuse to start a war.

Now to deal w/ John K.

First, dear winger, maybe you should keep notes so you know exactly which line of b.s. you're spinning today and which ones you've spun in the past, because you've apparently forgotten that it is you and Republicans that have been crying for weeks about the possibility of a stolen election.

Do you think people are stupid? Do you think Democrats didn't figure out the smears against ACORN were not only an attempt to disenfranchise voters but also an attempt to de-legitimize a potential Obama victory?

And the impeachment've got some major neuroses, my friend, You're a paranoic; you're brain has been fried from listening to Hannity and Limbaugh.

But you tell me all I need to know - if Obama wins, it will be 24/7 hate from John K. and his overlords at the EIB wanker studios.

And the only people threatening to riot are the voices in your head.

Seriously, dude, take a day and act like a grown-up.

If you're this big, bad responsible conservative with a rock solid moral code, then walking the fucking walk.

Because all I hear is someone who's too much of a coward to let their true colors shine through. And don't think that it's not obvious, because it's all too clear what kind of a person you really are.

And, frankly, you can take your Bull Tanner attitude and shove it.