February 6, 2009

GOP Theatre of the Absurd

Act I
36 out of 41 Republican senators voted to scrap all spending in the Stimulus Bill -- all of it.

Act II
Republicans don't want Obama's Labor Secretary to work on key labor issue (but Bush's Labor Secretary -- Mitch McConnell's wife -- could fight it).

GOP Rep: We Might Need A Taliban-Like "Insurgency"

Music & Lyrics by:



Sherry Pasquarello said...

spoiled childish and unfeeling brats.

let everyone else suffer. they have theirs.


Conservative Mountaineer said...

36 out of 41 Republican senators voted to scrap all spending in the Stimulus Bill -- all of it.

I'm disappointed.. it should be 41 out of 41. This Porkulus Bill should die. We'll probably lose Snowe, Collins, Voinovich and Specter. Hopefully, a few Democrats will break ranks, vote No and offset the losses.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

and what would that huge amout of pork be???

when pressed on the issue the percentage figure of "pork" that the majority of republicans came up with was 1 percent. granted, one percent out of something this massive is big, but not big enough to cost the jobs thatare lost every day that they grandstand.

so, name the pork, please, that is still in the bill now, as of this evening because contraception was the first thing cut.

Conservative Mountaineer said...

Please post a credible source re: the 1% "pork" issue... I challenge you.

Even the CBO says that only ~12% will be spent this year.

The House and Senate Bills are simply a grab-bag of special projects that will really do nothing to produce long-term jobs and recovery.. oh, maybe (just maybe) some temporary construction jobs will be created.. once the environmental studies have beem done.. once the bids have been let.. once the construction starts.. in 2-3 years.. just maybe.

Have you even read the Bills? I have... both the House version and the Senate version.

BTW, have you seen the "wish list" put together by the US Mayors (www.usmayors.org)? I have. 'Lil Lukey's projects are laughable. No, make that tragic. Mayor Daley won't even release his list.

Obama will probably get his $900 BILLION package in the end... and not much will change in the near to short-term.. long-term, it's inflation and outlandish debt levels.. forever. Sad.

One last thing.. you call Republicans "pigs". Classy.

Oh, and again, show me the 1% "fact".. seems as though ALL Republican Representatives is 100% against and 36 of 41 Republican Senators is waaaaaay greater than 1%. In fact, since 11 Democrat Representatives voted AGAINST the House Bill, I believe that workes out to ~4% AGAINST on your side. Facts are a pesky thing, aren't they?

Nice try.. and thanks for playing.

Grace said...

What's this? A new troll?
He regurgitates hate radio/fox news talking points as well as any former troll on Dave and Maria’s blog.
Should we have some fun with this one or completely ignore him?
He might be lonely………………

David said...


The Conservative Mountaineer's been here for a bit. And as much as I disagree with him here, (and CM I mean no disrespect in this) he's by no means in the same league of troll as JohnK or Braden.

They rose wingnut to a high art.

Grace said...

Sorry for that one.
I spent a good bit of 2008 volunteering for the current President. I guess I missed a few things by not having time to read this fine blog everyday.
I will do my best to stop by often for the rest of 2009.

EdHeath said...

Well, CM, I just worked a seven and a half hour day job, and then four hours (that should have been three) helping people with their taxes at an IRS VITA site. I will have to look for the stimulus bills later.

But I would like to point out that when the CBO says only 90 billion will get spent this year, they mean before September 30th. The fiscal year. So it is somewhat misleading to say "only ~12% will be spent this year." whitout explaining what "this year" means.

Apparently no earmarks in the stimulus might be a bad thing, according to NPR.

But mostly I am curious, with unemployement rising and the credit markets frozen, what are you proposing, CM? More tax cuts skewed to the wealthy?