April 7, 2009

A Beautiful Thing To Watch

When it's done right.

Get a gander over at Pandagon. They've snagged Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren with some mega-church sized lies.

Warren was on Larry King and said:
In the first place, I am not an anti-gay or anti-gay marriage activist. I never have been, never will be.

During the whole Proposition 8 thing, I never once went to a meeting, never once issued a statement, never—never once even gave an endorsement in the two years Prop 8 was going.

So what did they do?

They found a youtube clip with Warren coming out supporting Proposition 8:

Then they quote him from King saying:
And I was asked a question that made it sound like I equated gay marriage with pedophilia or incest, which I absolutely do not believe.
Guess what? That's right:
Rick Warren: But the issue to me is, I’m not opposed to that as much as I’m opposed to the redefinition of a 5,000-year definition of marriage. I’m opposed to having a brother and sister be together and call that marriage. I’m opposed to an older guy marrying a child and calling that a marriage. I’m opposed to one guy having multiple wives and calling that marriage.

Steven Waldman: Do you think, though, that they are equivalent to having gays getting married?

Rick Warren: Oh I do.
That was just beautiful.


Paz said...

It was so disappointing that he got to do the invocation at the inauguration. Don't get me wrong, the man has taken some steps in bringing evangelical Christianity closer to at least acknowledging the importance of social justice. But I genuinely think that he doesn't recognize the hypocrisy in a lot of the stances he takes.

Joshua said...

Sorry, but I just can't get myself to take Pandagon seriously after the nasty (and false) remarks she said about the Duke lacrosse team. The information looks genuine, but I just can't trust her.

-Duke alum, C/O 2005

David said...


So you're saying she's right.

But she's wrong?

Joshua said...

No, what I'm saying is she may be right (and from the YouTube, she probably is), but why should I trust one more word that she writes after what she said about the Duke lacrosse team while a member of the Edwards campaign?

David said...

You're not going to get any arguments from me about the Duke Lacrosse team.

The case should have ended the minute DNA tests failed to show any connection between the accuser and the accused.

That being said, Pandagon is right about Warren.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

yes, warren may try to lie his way thru but no one can really do that in this age of youtube and computers.

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

Strange Dave did not say that the article is by Pam Spaulding not the Duke Lacrosse slanderer Amanda Marcotte as a defense.

That in my book does not excuse the mootbats at Pandagon.