April 16, 2009

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment.

Thursday Night, April 16.

The Text.

Prosecute the war crimes. Investigate and prosecute. The war crimes.


Mark Rauterkus said...

Like it.

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

So according to the progressive standard of the Torture Memos, John Ziegler arrest by security guards outside USC’s Annenberg School of Journalism for committing … er … journalism. He wanted to ask people attending their ceremony honoring Katie Couric with their Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism about the award, and the Annenberg School of Journalism apparently objected to … er … journalism. But he is a Right-wing Sarah Palin apologist so it Ok.

David said...

Yet another non sequitur from HTTT.

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

What they did to John Ziegler looked like the progressive textbook definition of torture to me.
Twisting his arms and squeezing the handcuffs into his wrists.
If the CIA did that at Gitmo, progressives would call for ICC war crimes trials.