April 6, 2009

More From Roddy

On The Shooter:
Accused cop-killer Richard Poplawski spent hours posting racist messages on an extremist right-wing Web site, decrying blacks and Latinos and warning of forthcoming economic collapse fueled by the "Zionist occupation" of America, an expert in political extremism has determined. Earlier, he had praised the "AK" rifle as his ideal weapon.
And then there's this:

On March 13, according to the site, Mr. Poplawski wrote a lengthy post predicting economic collapse, engineered by a Jewish conspiracy.

"The federal government, mainstream media, and banking system in these United States are strongly under the influence of -- if not completely controlled by -- Zionist interest," the post declares. "An economic collapse of the financial system is inevitable, bringing with it some degree of civil unrest if not outright balkanization of the continental US, civil/revolutionary/racial war . . . This collapse is likely engineered by the elite Jewish powers that be in order to make for a power and asset grab."

The 923-word post clearly outlines the apocalyptic ideas that Mr. Poplawski's friends earlier attributed to him.

"One can read the list of significant persons in government and in major corporations and see who is pulling the strings. One can observe the policies and final products and should walk away with little doubt there is Zionist occupation and -- after some further research & critical thinking -- will discover their insidious intentions," the post adds.

What an asshole.


EdHeath said...

You know, there is a divide between rich and poor. The majority of the rich are white and Christian, and those who are in positions of power are mostly male. The racial makeup of the poor is a bit more complicated, although I can say that a majority of African Americans are likely poor, and possibly a majority of Latinos (also mostly Christian). Most single moms of all racial types are likely among the poor. And there are not many African Americans, Latinos or even single moms in positions of power.

I don't think there is an overt conspiracy so much as a way of doing things, but there are definitely problems. Then comes bozo Poplawski, writing gibberish and working himself up into a frenzy. If only we could keep AK-47's away from such people. Won't happen if people like Heir to the Throne have their way.

Joshua said...

No offense, Dayvoe, but I've seen plenty of people on the far left who have said the same thing. We were just witness to one example.

Joshua said...

Chas Freeman being the one prominent example I was mentioning. Sorry, thought it was common knowledge that he started on conspiracy-theory tirades after he withdrew from being considered for a high government post. Walt and Mearsheimer are two others.

David said...

And what sort of conspiracy theories did Chas Freeman push?

And how many police officers were killed because someone believed them?

Joshua said...

The conspiracy of ZOG and the "Israel Lobby". And, as you probably guessed, the answer is three. Three police officers have been killed because of Chas Freeman's rants. Yes, we're talking about the same officers. I guess what I'm getting at is that the far left and far right can intersect, so left-wing extremists can push some people to the same position as right-wing extremists, because at a certain point, extreme left and extreme right make no difference.

Joshua said...

Addendum: I can't believe I forgot about the riot at York University in Toronto.