July 7, 2009

It's Official. SENATOR Al Franken

It's about time.

By my count that's 58 Democrats and 2 Independents - both of whom say they'll caucus with the Democrats. I am confident about Saunders of Vt but Lieberman of Ct is an ass.

On the other hand, that leaves only 40 (count 'em 40) Republicans in the Senate.

Poor GOP. Poor poor GOP.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

way overdue

Conservative Mountaineer said...

Yeah, it only took the Democrats nearly 6 months to steal the election... you're slipping.

Now, EVERYTHING is owned by 0bama and the liberals... it's your responsibility. Unfortunately, the stupid masses will not blame Zero.. 'cuz they're entitled, you know! And, those nasty evil Republican businesses and businesspeople!

David said...

Ok, I'll bite.

HOW was the election "stolen"?

No really. I want to know.

EdHeath said...

I remember an article from the campaign about Obama’s law school days. A conservative professor, submitting an article to the Law Review, remarked about how Obama not only gave writing style suggestions, but also suggestions that strengthened the conservative point of view of the article. Obama has shown an almost mania for trying to work with the other side of his own viewpoints. When he sent the stimulus bill to Congress, it had a large amount of tax cuts in it (I remember a figure of 40% of the dollars were in tax cuts). Yet not one Republican in the House voted for it, and only three from the Senate. When asked what they wanted, Republicans would say it had to be all tax cuts, all for people likely to fall in the top ten percent income bracket. People who probably use the phrase “stupid masses”, and would likely use tax cuts to help the construction industry (by adding to their McMansions, and using more energy for their hundreds of wasteful lights and huge air conditioning systems compensating for the waste heat from those inefficient lights), the domestic servitude industry and the domestic SUV industry.

The Republicans are still not giving alternatives, not for climate change or healthcare reform. We spent eight years in which the rich were made richer and the country was encouraged to borrow away its future, resting on a collateral of inflated and unrealistic home values. Now I am not saying the Democrats are necessarily better. Left on their own they will give money to the rich at the expense of the poor. But the Dems can be prodded into doing the right thing, just like the Republicans used to be able to do. And at least the Democrats/liberals don’t say phrases like “urban cesspools” and “stupid masses”. Really, CM, if you hate democracy that much, why don’t you move to Zimbabwe or North Korea.