Democracy Has Prevailed.

September 6, 2009


This is not Photoshopped. It is the actual cover of Glenn Beck's new book:

Seriously, why?

One of our right-leaning readers is going to have to explain it to me why Beck wants to don some vaguely communist-looking uniform and pose like Mussolini.

I mean when even Rush cries "Nazi" against the left, he doesn't actually dress up as one.

Why this?

Maybe Beck just figures his audience loves a man in a uniform.

(h/t to Spork)


Clyde Wynant said...

This is a rhetorical question, isn't it?

After all, the publisher will put on the cover whatever they think will sell the most copies. End of story.

They know their audience. If they thought they could get away with a shot of Obama on the gallows, they'd do that....

Maria said...

See, I'd get them putting Obama in some fascist uniform*, but why is Beck dressing up that way????

*I'm not saying I'd agree, just that I get what they were up to.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i think he's lost his mind. truly!

Anonymous said...

The only thing that would make it more bizarre is "Forward by Sarah Palin".

the Other Ken said...

F.Y.I. It's an East German uniform and the reason for it should be fairly obvious given the title of the book. Thanks for playing!

Maria said...

When Reagan said, "Tear down this wall!" he didn't dress up in a USSR uniform.

When Rush tries to compare 'Obamacare' logo to Nazi logo, he doesn't don a swastika (well, not one we can see anyway).

When Bill O'Reilly calls people 'pinheads' he doesn't put on a Zippy the Pinhead t-shirt.

What Beck is doing doesn't even make sense as agitprop. (I guess I'll have to assume it's some sort of fetsh with him and if the camera had only panned down a bit we'd see that he's wearing ass-less chaps.)