October 9, 2009

Maria on Night Talk


PJ Maloney (the host) has been correcting Rose Tennent for the past ten minutes or so. He's corrected Rose about Health care in Canada and Massachusetts.

So far.

Maria's doing a fine job.


Maloney to Rose (paraphrase): What you just said has no basis in reality.

He complained about all the disinformation in the current Health Care debate (Rose denied any misinformation) then corrects Rose's many misstatements.

It's fun to watch!

8:25 Les Ludwig is soaking up all the time during the discussion of the PA State Budget. I don't really understand what he's saying. Or why he's there.

8:48 Maria and Rose agree on the sexism faced by Senator Clinton and Governor Palin in the last election.

8:56 Maloney had to cut Les off a few too many times. He just kept talking about stuff no one (ok *I*) had any idea what he meant.

Maria did a great job. Rose looked ridiculous.


Maria said...

It was fun.

Rose says hi to you, David.

David said...


You and PJ still took her to school.

Ms. Monongahela, Ms. Chief Editor said...

Rose and I used to have "bathroom" chats when Quinn & Rose were down at Steel City Media studios ... she's a lot of fun. Sorry I missed you, Maria!

Ms. Monongahela, Ms. Chief Editor said...

P.S. Les is a true Pittsburgh character, isn't he? I remember him from mayoral debates. He is quite a chatterbox ... but at least he showed up!

Gloria said...

I don't get PCNC on my less-than-deluxe cable level, any chance we can see it online?

Gloria said...

Kind of funny that Rose's middle name is Somma. Remember Aldous Huxley's 'soma': "All the advantages of Christianity and alcohol; none of their defects."

Maria said...

@ Ms. Mon: Rose was very nice off camera. I'm sure she'd be fun to chat with -- as long as it wasn't political.

@Gloria: It won't be online unless someone taped it and puts it up on YouTube.

@ALL: It will be rebroadcast at 5:00 PM Monday.

Anonymous said...

Les Ludwig is a drain