October 8, 2009

Teh Crazie Continues: World Net Daily and The Upcoming Obama IMPEACHMENT

Read it here and here.

Curious thing, that first column begins with this:

A political activist who was behind the famous Willie Horton advertisement that left Gov. Michael Dukakis' candidacy for president floundering and was among the first to sound the alarm on the need for Bill Clinton's impeachment says the United States is collapsing around its citizens right now, but there is a defense.

"Make no mistake. We're now in the middle of a bloodless coup – the takeover of an entire nation by the hate-America crowd – a cold-blooded gang that despises America's prosperity, our standing in the world, our trust in God and our generosity and goodness," says political activist Floyd Brown in a column in WND.

And who is this Brown fella? Uruh writes:
Brown said most people remember him for being behind the Horton ad, which highlighted the subsequent crimes of a felon released from prison under Dukakis' watch. He also was among the first to sound the alarm on the Clinton Whitewater scandal as well as the mysterious circumstances of the apparent suicide of White House Counsel Vince Foster.
Oh THAT Floyd Brown. He's one of those "Vince Foster didn't kill himself" wingnuts. Says so at the Floyd's website, the Western Center for Journalism:
It first made its mark following the suspicious death of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent Foster during the Clinton presidency. Officially ruled a suicide by authorities, reporter Christopher Ruddy–with assistance from the Center for Western Journalism–unearthed evidence that shouted, “cover up!” No matter how hard they tried to conceal the real cause of Foster’s death, Ruddy’s dogged investigations clearly showed that the suicide ruling was phony.
Which brings us to a local Pittsburgh connection. Take a look at this from Terry Krepel at the Huffington post, writing about Ruddy and the Foster "suicide":
Unmentioned is the fact that numerous investigations by people who weren't rabid Clinton-haters (and even a few who arguably were, like Kenneth Starr) discredited Ruddy's conclusions by repeatedly and inconveniently ruling that Foster committed suicide. Also unmentioned is the Scaife double-dealing: For much of the time he wrote about Foster, Ruddy worked for the Scaife-owned Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, meaning that Scaife was essentially paying the WJC to promote one of his own reporters. (Ruddy then went on to found Newsmax with Scaife's financial assistance.) Even Ann Coulter has dismissed Ruddy's reporting on Foster, calling his 1997 book on it, "The Strange Death of Vincent Foster," a "conservative hoax book."
I wonder how long it'll take the Tribune Review to use the "I-" word. Scaife's fingerprints are all over Floyd Brown.

Oh, and did I say that Brown is a birther, through and through? Check out this e-mail.

I think that's enough to qualify Floyd Brown as having teh Crazie.


Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

Pot/Kettle Time from the blog that had a IMPEACH banner.
Progressive forget their behavior before Jan 2009?

EdHeath said...

I won't exactly agree with HTTT's grammatically challenged comment about the impeach banner, in that I think there *might* have been a decent case for impeaching President Bush. Although I should mention the case against impeaching Bush was “President Cheney”.

Personally I wouldn't have included "The Upcoming Obama IMPEACHMENT" in the title of this post, if only because it gives smug and unapologetic conservatives like Heir ammunition. But there is nothing wrong with the content of post, and indeed I, for one, am thankful Dayvoe took the time to research and present a complete post (and I am also thankful Maria spends time presenting well researched posts). So far, in their relentless and (usually, Charles Rangel, per Gail Collins) unjustified attacks against the Democrats and Obama administration, conservatives have only hinted, at worst, that they think Obama might be guilty of some crime, as far as I am aware. That may change at any minute, but until it does, no sense in giving conservatives a reason to cry foul. IMO.

David said...

Bush committed impeachable acts. He should have been impeached.

Tell us HTTT, what IMPEACHABLE ACTS has President Obama committed?

And be specific, now. Cite the specific law.

Ellipses said...

Oooooh! Ooooh! Pick me! Pick me!

Oh, nevermind... being a liberal black guy isn't illegal... nevermind.

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

Tell us HTTT, what IMPEACHABLE ACTS has President Obama committed?
None yet.
There is no Impeach banner on my blog. When Obama commits a Impeachable offense, you'll see one appear.

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