Democracy Has Prevailed.

January 15, 2010

Olbermann on Limbaugh

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

As of this morning I did NOT see an ad for Gold at Limbaugh's website. I did see a link to a radio news site that itself had a link to the American Red Cross.

And a couple of ads for an on-line data storage service.

My guess is that someone wised up at EIB and slapped on the link to the Red Cross.

Go Rush!


rich10e said...

I listened to Tom Hartman a couple times and was surprised to hear him hocking GOLD in one of his's all about ad revenues

Joshua said...

Yeah, everyone does it. Runs the gamut from Randi Rhodes and Ed Schultz to Mark Levin. Not happy, but at least I can say that I'm disappointed in both sides in a bipartisan manner.