February 5, 2010

Snowpocalypse Now Edition (Updated 2x)

Downtown Pittsburgh

Predictions by the local TV stations for Snowpocalypse 2010! are all over the map (no pun intended):
WPXI: 3 - 6 inches

WTAE: 4 - 7 inches

KDKA: 8 - 12 inches
No idea how much the storm may effect DemFest 2010 -- this year's State Democratic Party meeting -- which is scheduled for today and tomorrow in Lancaster, PA.

But if you're in the mood to both battle the elements and battle the elements lobby on behalf of Single Payer, here's the info you need:
WHERE: Lancaster Host and Resort.
2300 Lincoln Hwy E
Lancaster, PA 17602-1114

WHEN: February 5, 2010, 12:00pm - February 6, 2010, 3:00pm

To Lobby for Single Payer: Go to Lancaster County Democratic Committee’s table. Logistics meeting in the restaurant near the lobby bar Friday evening. Or look for folks with “HealthCare4ALLPA” buttons as well as “Support the Single-Payer Resolution” buttons. Or contact Jerry Policoff @ 717-682-4434.



UPDATE: From my sister who lives in Maryland and works in DC:
The local schools didn't even bother to open this morning. The Arlington County government is warning residents to get ready to "shelter in place" for up to 5 days. Metro has already announced that they'll be closing the above-ground stations tonight or tomorrow...

Not a snowflake to be seen yet!
UPDATE 2:. Official weather report here.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

ack! i'm outta bread-low on milk-send help!

Maria said...

My sister (different one than in the update) said that Giant Eagle was a complete zoo yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the "news" organizations to start using the fact that it still snows as evidence that climate change is a hoax. Like some of my Twitter, uh, "friends".

I'm looking forward to hunkering down with my girls this weekend, though.

EdHeath said...

I think DC/Maryland are predicted to get hit much worse than us. But I do have to travel from CMU to the Southside near Station Square around 4:30, and then from the Southside to Point Breeze at 8:00 tonight, and then from Point Breeze to the Southside tomorrow morning and back tomorrow after noon. I am not nervous about the weather per se, but I am worried some other driver is going to skid into my car.

I blame the groundhog.

Maria said...

I think that the Demon Sheep may also be involved.

Ol' Froth said...

Good gravy, the worst snow I ever saw in these parts was the 1993 blizzard, and the roads were passable TWO DAYS LATER!

SHeesh, they're predicting half the snow we got then. Roads at worst will probably be slushy through Saturday night.

Local news folks really need to chill out.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

and the parade was held and people marched- and we made cnn that nifgt.

Maria said...

I was living in Manhattan in '93 which also had a blizzard.

Thank goodness for Russian cab drivers! I was about to start a new job and needed to head to Macys for some new suits.

The Russian laughed at our "blizzard."

Clyde Wynant said...

The sad fact is that far too many people actually DO freak out. We truly have become a nation of weather wimps!

I laugh, because we have never had better vehicles; with traction control, anti-lock brakes, all-wheel drive -- and people are still stupid on the roads!

They should have seen me piloting my mother's Buick LaSabre through the snows of upstate New York in the 70's! :-) It was fun..and I still miss rear wheel drive!

EdHeath said...

Um, the roads are, in fact, very bad. At nine Friday night, I drove from Station Square across the Smithfield Street bridge to Oliver to Grant to Fifth and then Forbes and then through Oakland to Fifth again and then all the way to Penn Ave all the way to about Braddock. None of the roads were salted, no salt trucks were out, and the roads were really crappy. Although, I never got stuck (despite one car in front of me that had got stuck) and the tires on my car are supposed to be really bad in slippery conditions.

Maria said...

Knocking snow off my Rose of Sharon bushes/trees because they are double-overed. They're normally over one story tall but now the branches are blocking my back door and back gate.

Maria said...

John Greiner on WTAE just threatened to punch out Punxatawny Phil. LOL

David said...

It just proves once and for all that global warming is a hoax.

I mean if the of dumping a lot of snow in ONE storm in ONE area of the planet doesn't invalidate the collected data representing global trends representing centuries worth of climate data, I don't know what will!

Clyde Wynant said...

Not only is global warming a hoax, but so, apparently is SEVERE WEATHER CENTER 11! ;-)

I mean, if we can't trust Julie, what chance does this nation have?