July 21, 2011

I'll be on PCNC’s "NightTalk: Get to the Point" tomorrow night

I'll be a panelist on tomorrow's PCNC TV's NightTalk: Get to the Point (Channel 35 on Comcast.)

The show will air live on Friday, July 22nd from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM (with repeats at 10:00 PM and 2:00 AM).

The program commonly features conversation on a wide range of topics local to Pittsburgh, the Southwestern Pennsylvania region and some national items. Expect anything from the Pittsburgh Pirates to Marcellus Shale.

The host will be P.J. Maloney.

Also appearing will be Dale McCoy whose Blue Collar Commentary blog can be found on conservative radio host Glen Meaken's website. I heard that McCoy describes himself as a "Tea Party Democrat." (Say what?) Don't know who the third panelist will be.

Tune in -- it should be interesting!


David said...

Give 'em hell!

EdHeath said...

Tea Party Democrat makes some sense in this particular neck of the woods, where Pennsylvania has (had?) the second largest number of people in private militias (like up around Meadville - what do they make of Allegheny College?). It strikes me there are a fair number of people who belong to and support unions as strongly as they support the Church (and if you have to ask which church, you aren't from around here). But in all matters besides the union, they are just as conservative a Michele Bachmann.

I skimmed McCoy's most recent blog post. He seemed to enjoy blasting the NYTimes' David Brooks. Brooks argued that Republicans were shooting themselves in the foot by not taking Obama's (overly) generous deal to raise the debt ceiling. McCoy wants the debt ceiling lowered.

I'm sure you will have fun. Try to find places of common ground, like that you both breath air.

Maria said...

" Try to find places of common ground, like that you both breath air."


Just found out the 3rd guest: Bob Hillen, Chariman Republican Committee of Pittsburgh. I've been on with him before.