September 29, 2015

I Stand with Planned Parenthood #StandwithPP

Today is "Pink Out Day." People around the country--including Pittsburgh*--are rallying in support of Planned Parenthood as once again, congressional Republicans (and Republican presidential candidates) continue their relentless attacks on reproductive health care. They do this even to the point of threatening to shut down the government, despite the fact that government funds do not go to paying for abortions.

One in five American women have received care at a Planned Parenthood health center. And in 2013, Planned Parenthood served 2.7 million women, men, and young people. Maybe that's why USA Today found that Americans back government support for the group by more than 2-1.

If you're not already at a rally, you can still participate:

  • Wear pink to show your support for women's health and for Planned Parenthood, and make sure your friends know why. 
  • Share a #PinkOut selfie to #StandwithPP on social media.
  • Pink Out your Facebook and/or Twitter profile image.
  • Let them know that we're sick of this bullshit.

    * Thank you  Lynn Cullen, and City Councilman Dan Gilman!


    SamStone said...

    Excellent! Thanks for passing this along.

    Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

    These are the people complaining about Out of context deceptively-edited videos.

    More Gotcha like the Rapepublicians did with Holder's fast and furious statements
    Republican Congressman Jim Jordan to Planned Parenthood President Cecil Richards: If You're Claiming Those Videos Were "Heavily Edited" and "Misleading," Why Did You Apologize for the Statements Made on the Videos?

    Asked and answered. Time to move on.

    Support the Federal Law Enforcement Bill of Rights.

    David said...

    Crumbling cloud systems translate medieval Esperanto. Badly!!!

    Ol' Froth said...

    The macabre produce authors the part.

    Unknown said...

    Feelings lobbied stranded prepositions to bite a fetid conclusion.

    Oh, Omega, and while you are absorbing these pearls of wisdom that only you in your incomparable genius can understand, you might glance aside here and notice that the purveyors of incontrovertible truths are tryng to dodge the legal discovery process in defamation lawsuits brough against them. What are they trying to hide and why do they want to hide it?