November 16, 2015

And Now A Word Or Two From John Oliver (NSFW)

Couldn't have said it better myself:

Happy Monday!


Zeus0209 said...

“The men who committed the atrocities of September 11 were certainly not 'cowards,' as they were repeatedly described in the Western media, nor were they lunatics in any ordinary sense. They were men of faith—perfect faith, as it turns out—and this, it must finally be acknowledged, is a terrible thing to be.”

― Sam Harris, The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

John Oliver: Look at these sillyheads who think terrorists could gain entry into europe mixed in with migrants

How long until it is taken down?

David said...

Only Mary-Elizabeth Guessed Accurately. Soiled Underwear Probably Resists Entrophy, Mary-Elizabeth.

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...
"Oliver believes that ISIS hit France with Culture and Lifestyle, and that France's (hugely) superior Culture and Lifestyle will win the war"

Credit for last comment

David said...

Only Mary-Elizabeth Guessed Accurately. Soiled Underwear Probably Resists Entrophy, Mary-Elizabeth.

Ol' Froth said...

The epistemology of localized small-group cultures reflects the legitimation of the market.