February 11, 2016

I'll be on KDKA Radio Tonight with John McIntire at 8:15 PM ... Oops! No, I won't.

UPDATE: Strike all that. John just found out that he will be holding some kind of fundraiser on the air tonight. Maybe next week.

I'll be on John McIntire's Show on KDKA Radio Tonight in the 8 p.m. hour. We'll be talking about my being still undecided in the Democratic presidential primary.

First up will be Dana Milbank of The Washington Post ( https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/bernie-sanders-is-no-revolutionary/2016/02/08/19a15618-cea3-11e5-88cd-753e80cd29ad_story.html ). Then, me around 8:15 PM.

Tune into Newsradio 1020 KDKA or listen online @: http://player.radio.com/listen/station/newsradio-1020-kdka/


David said...

Ugh! I'm rehearsing tonight so I won't get a chance to listen in. You'll do great!

David said...

We gotta wait a whole week now?? Sheesh