February 24, 2017

Where's Senator Toomey?

From my inbox:
This evening, the Sierra Club projected a large missing person flier onto the wall of the Law and Finance Building downtown calling on Senator Toomey to stop avoiding his constituents and start listening to Pennsylvanians who are concerned about climate change and vital public health protections such as the Clean Air Act.

The display followed Senator Toomey’s recent vote to confirm Scott Pruitt as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ignoring thousands of letters and calls from Pennsylvanians objecting to Pruitt’s history of suing the EPA and his deep financial ties to corporate polluters. Pruitt has taken nearly $350,000 in campaign contributions from the fossil fuel industry and raised at least $3.5 million more from the industry while serving in the leadership of the Republican Attorneys General Association.

In advance of the event, missing person fliers of Senator Toomey were distributed to the surrounding area.
And the photographic the proof:

Photo Credit: Rachel Martin Golman

In case you can't read the writing on the wall, it goes like this:
MISSING If found Pennsylvanians would like to talk to him about Scott Pruitt, climate change, and clean air protections.

CALL Senator Toomey at (412 803-5301 and ask him where he's hiding!  #Wherestoomey
In response, Randy Francisco (Sierra Club Pittsburgh Organizing Representative) said:
Senator Toomey needs to stop hiding from his constituents and start taking action to protect public health from pollution and climate change. President Trump has made it clear he plans to undermine the EPA and gut the Clean Air Act. Americans rely on the Environmental Protection Agency to safeguard our air, water and land. But as President Trump and his rigged Cabinet begin taking steps to gut such safeguards and advance a dirty energy agenda, Senator Toomey is nowhere to be found. Without Senator Toomey willing to speak out, the health of our families and communities is at stake.
Senator Toomey, your constituents are exercising their First Amendment rights to assemble peaceably and to petition their government (and in this case that means YOU) for a redress of grievances.

Where are you, Senator?

When's the Pittsburgh Toomey Townhall?


Unknown said...

According to the Post Gazette Senator Toomey met with protesters at his Pittsburgh office on Thursday.... that's where he is.

David said...

Yes, and the P-G ALSO reports:

But the group also reiterated its long-standing request for a broader town hall meeting. Mr. Toomey held a recent telephone town hall, but he and other Republicans have eschewed large gatherings in the face of Democratic anger over President Donald Trump’s election last year.

“We tried to make it clear that while we very much appreciated the meeting, there were only five of us, and a lot of people want to engage with him,” Ms. Helbling said.

A private meeting with FIVE constituents does not a town hall meeting make.

The Farmer's Wife Pasture-raised Poultry said...
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