August 16, 2017

I've Looked At Covfefe From Both Sides Now

This weekend a woman was killed by a white supremacist/neo-nazi/alt.right supporter who drove his Chevy Challenger into the crowd she was in. He also injured 19 other people with his car. The woman, Heather Heyer was protesting the white supremacists/neo-nazis/alt.right supporters who had descended onto Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the removal of a statue of a man, Robert E. Lee, who defended the "states' right" to enslave other human beings. He was a traitor for levying war against the United States.

And yet, Donald J Trump said there was blame on "both sides" for the violence.

He also said that there were some "very fine people" among the white supremacists/neo-nazis/alt.right supporters.

David Duke liked what Donald J Trump said.

When you get a hearty thumbs up from a racist for imposing a false moral equivalence onto, as Senator McCain tweeted, "racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry," you're doing something very very wrong.

Even though there are many Republicans who denounced Trump for this, he still is leader of the GOP, he still is the (orange) face of American conservatism right now.

If you voted for Trump, this is yours. You made this happen.

What are you going to do about it?


Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

"This weekend a woman was killed by a white supremacist/neo-nazi/alt.right supporter who drove his Chevy Challenger into the crowd she was in."
I have seen claim he was trying to escape. To quote the Police.
We’re asking the community to please allow facts — not sensationalism, not politics — facts to allow to work their way through the system.”

And considering the same people declaring him guilt said that the Duke Lacrosse and UVA frat rapes were real.

"If you voted for Trump, this is yours. You made this happen.

What are you going to do about it?"
"The left is morally preening over Charlottesville, pretending Antifa is pure as the driven snow. Just like James Hodgkinson was."

David said...

Look over there.

Existential Type said...

Dodge Charger