September 15, 2017

What Do People Think Of Donald Trump?

From Axios:
A Trump adviser says that after a tumultuous seven months in office, it had finally dawned on the president: "People really f@&@ing hate me." For someone who has spent his life lapping up adulation, however fake, it was a harsh realization. This is a man with an especially acute need for affirmation.
Yes, that's true.  People fucking hate you, Donald Trump.  Lots of them.

We're just hoping to get out this alive.

1 comment:

StandingBull said...

If it weren't for NCY, LA, SF, and Chicago (4 metro areas responsible for more than 60% of the democratic congressional delegation), I'm not sure Hillar would have carried more than 5% of the 15% of U.S. counties she actually did. Clearly, and despite staunch support from mainstream media outlets, mainstream Americans were willing to roll the dice on anyone else. The only thing I can't argue with (in your post) is that he's been in office for about 8 months. I think I'll continue to see what happens, as it is apparent given all the recent staff firings that Donald is not a Republican or Democrat...