November 11, 2020

Of Course, Wendy's Lying.

On her Facebook page yesterday, Wendy Bell posted:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and former presidential candidate Evan McMullin tweeted that a list should be made to target those who back President Trump's call for investigating the election. Now, Jake Tapper of CNN suggested that Trump staffers who support the president in his legal and electoral fight should be blacklisted from further employment in politics. 
With this kind of rhetoric do you feel the democratic party and Joe Biden will be able to "bring the country together"?
Is there anything that could be done to "heal" the nation or are we fractured right now?

This is a lie. Here's what Representative Ocasio-Cortez actually tweeted:

The "list" isn't actually a thing, as you can see. Ocasio-Cortez is looking to hold to account those current Trump supporters who in the future will try to deny their complicity and not, as Wendy is falsely asserting, those who simply "
back President Trump's call for investigating the election."
The same can be said for what Representative McMullin tweeted:

Those who "assist Trump's frivolous and dangerous attacks on the election" is not the same as "investigate", Wendy. You get the difference, right?

Then there's Jake Tapper. This is what he tweeted:

Wow. How did Wendy go from that to "blacklist(ing) from further employment in politics" anyone who "
support(s) the president in his legal and electoral fight"??
There are those who still support Trump's (now lost) bid for re-election. Then there are those who are actively undermining the democratic principles upon which this republic was founded - the rule of law, fair elections with peaceful transfer of power afterwards - by demanding the election be scrapped simply because they say (without evidence) that it's not being fair to their losing candidate.

Those are the folks we're talking about, Wendy.
You're still defending the guy who bragged about being a pussy grabber, right?
You're still defending the guy who ordered the tear gassing of peaceful protestors for a church front photo-op, right?
You're still defending the guy who threatened to jail his political opponents, right?
You're still defending the guy who's been lying to the nation for years, right?
Just want to make sure we're both on the same page.